The writer for the theatre must have the opportunity to be a thriving member of his community. He must be nourished and allowed to experiment without the demand that he be certain of the direction toward which the experiment will move.
– 1964 prospectus for the HB Playwrights Foundation
For many theatres, economic constraints have increasingly diminished the time available for the very important work of developing and rehearsing a play. However, the HB Playwrights Foundation & Theatre is dedicated to preserving and extending the development process. The most vital theatre is created when all the artists involved – playwrights, actors, directors, and designers – are given the time and opportunity to do it right, to do it as they feel it should be done. The HB Playwrights Theatre is committed to supporting the long-term development of original productions, primarily of new plays. Occasionally, however, the production of a classic play or important work from the twentieth century is presented.

The HB Playwrights Foundation and Theatre is able to maintain this commitment to artistic freedom by relying on minimal budgets; the generosity of artists who donate their labor; by charging no admission to our performances; and by requesting that productions in our theatre not be reviewed. If a work is ready, it should move on to another venue to become accessible to a wider public.