10 Minute Play Auditions


a 10 minute play by Andrew Marvel, directed by Michael Manuelian

Auditions:  Wed, March 12, 7 PM – 9 PM | Playwright’s Room, 2nd Floor, 122 Bank Street
Sides will be provided.
To be considered: Please send your headshot & resume, with the character name in the subject line, to Michael Manuelian: michaelmanuelian1@gmail.com

Event: This will be a full production of a ten-minute play, to be produced at the HB Playwrights Theatre in April 2014 as part of THE OFFICE PLAYS: A 10 Minute Play Festival. Five Performances.

Character breakdown:

  • Jeannie Donahue: early 30’s, junior executive who’s spent her corporate career playing by the rules. Big heart. Buried ambitions. Desperate for change.
  • Caroline Blatt: 50’s, in charge of Human Resources at a privately-owned company in NYC. Discombobulated. Shoots from the hip. Strives to do what’s right. Low tolerance for stress. An artist at heart.