This class will be held online via Zoom Conferencing until we are able to resume classes at the Studio.
Online teaching statement from instructor Brian Mulligan:
My virtual Scene Study class will have an atmosphere and structure not unlike a studio class. Students will be assigned partners and scenes. Using Uta Hagen’s Six Steps from A Challenge for the Actor and worksheets from Carol Rosenfeld’s Acting and Living in Discovery as a guide, instruction will be given on how to prepare, rehearse, and present scenes in the virtual medium. Classes will be conducted via Zoom video-conferencing – which is free to download on the user end. In the first few weeks the Breakout Room tool on Zoom will allow actors to rehearse during class time – and allow the teacher to drop in to each ‘rehearsal room’ and provide coaching. When scenes are ready for presentation, students and teacher will have the capability to watch scenes, watch the teacher’s response and dialogue with the actors after their scene, and then contribute to the post-scene discussion.
While this is not an Acting for Camera class, Zoom’s record tool provides students with an opportunity to compare their internal experience when playing the scene with the external result.