Jack Hofsiss’ Directing Class Seeks Actors!

A staged reading of selected new 10 minute plays from the students of Jack Hofsiss.
Show date is August 18

For consideration, please send headshot/resume to play’s director:

By Kenneth Thompson
Directed by Pamela Renner & Mercy Oni
Submit to mercyoni@gmail.com
– Man A: (20’s or 30’s) Bill Collector. Has decided his job is morally wrong and wants to take a stand.
– Man B: (20’s or 30’s) Bill Collector. New father. Must choose: keep his job, or sell out his best friend.

By Pamela Renner
Directed by Kenneth Thompson
Submit to kthompson@hbstudio.org
– Eliso: (26) nationality: Georgian; a striking young woman with a Middle Eastern or Mediterranean look; has long dark curling hair and dancer-like proportions, and is tougher than her graceful appearance suggests.
– Aunt Mariam: (mid 70’s) nationality: Georgian; lively, grey-haired, a hidden dynamo beneath a conventional exterior.
– NKVD Man: (mid-30 through mid-50s); a man whose appearance and demeanor suggests interlocking parallel squares: square shoulders, squared short beard, angular glasses, and a lantern-square jaw. Sandy Slavic coloring, military bearing, air of authority.

By Mercy Oni
Directed by Jennifer Bond
Submit to mercyoni@gmail.com
– Linney:  (35) WIFE, strong, athletic to curvy build, (any ethnicity) not a soccer mom, her personality precedes beauty, known for her temper, smart, very direct, funny but, impatient often.
– James: (35) HUSBAND, husky to solid build, (any ethnicity) blue collar worker, laid-back, funny, charming, can start a conversation with an ant, everyone’s friend, smiles often but very smart.

By Dayna Li
Directed by Lance Ferguson
Submit to daynamerrilli@gmail.com
– Amber Rhinewood (22-25): A young playwright, open and vulnerable, seeks deeper emotional connections from the people around her.
– Nathalie Lifter (22-25): An actress, more experienced than Amber and seemingly put together. Her aloofness and diva personality hide underlying vulnerability.
– Walker Berlin (22-30): An actor, shy and somewhat of a pushover. He is introspective and thinks deeply about people and relationships around him.
– Kyle Thompson  (22-25): An investment banker, boyfriend of Amber. He has a large ego and is very practical. He is aloof and pushes away feelings of vulnerability.  

By Lance Ferguson
Directed by Dayna Li
Submit to daynamerrilli@gmail.com
– Janet: (30s) a Forrest Gump (or Lennie from Of Mice and Men) character. She has an arrested development caused by a birth defect that gives her the mental age of a 10 year old. She is emotional and animated. She most definitely still believes in Santa Claus.
– Julie: (20s) Janet’s childhood protector but moved on and went to college, receiving a PhD in Biotech. She is rational and focused though brought out of her shell a bit around Janet.