Author: Catrin Lloyd-Bollard

Happy New Year! Consider an end-of-year gift to HB.

HBS-web-black copyThank you for spending 2015 with us here at HB Studio. We look forward to 2016 and another year of deep exploration together, as we reflect on our selves and the current state of our world through the timeless and invaluable practice of theater.

As you make your end-of-year giving plans, please consider a donation to HB Studio, to help keep this special place going strong. Your donation, small or large, will support the ongoing training and practice of more than 3,000 theater artists each year. Help us reach our $25,000 fundraising goal with a tax-deductible gift in any amount today.


Thank you, and have a safe and celebratory New Year! We will see you at the start of Winter term the week of January 11th.


Workshop Presentation

Written by Julia Izumi
Directed by Logan Reed
Produced by Natalie Gershtein

Saturday & Sunday
November 21 & 22 @ 7:30pm

HB Studio, First Floor Studio
120 Bank Street

In the beginning there was darkness.  And a giant egg and mud and puppies and snakes and cow chips and kettles and scones.  And loneliness too. In the beginning storytelling brought us together and gave us reason and hope, as they still do today. THE MAKERS is a mash-up of creation myths and origin stories from around the world in attempt to find what unifies us all as human beings.

People Who Make Theatre: John Jesurun

PWMT_John Jesurun_EblastPeople Who Make Theatre
A Conversation with John Jesurun

Moderated by Asta Hansen

Monday, October 26 | 7:30pm
HB Playwrights Theatre | 124 Bank Street
$10 suggested donation | $5 HB students/staff
RSVP Online

John Jesurun is a writer, director and media artist based in New York. His presentations integrate elements of language, film, architectural space and media. Continue reading →

2016 First Floor Studio Residency: Request for Proposals


Deadline for Proposals: Monday, November 23, 2015
Selected Projects will be announced by: December 31, 2015

HB Studio is dedicated to training and practice for the theatre. The Studio will, at intervals throughout the year, make workshop performance space available in our First Floor Studio, for the development of creative projects that further the training and artistic practices fostered at HB. The Studio is not a producing organization, nor should these presentations be construed as “showcases.” Rather, we offer an opportunity for practicing theatre artists to collaborate on experimental projects, to be shared among peers and colleagues, for constructive critical feedback and mutual growth.

Eligible Projects may include, but are not limited to, the following: Continue reading →

The World of Agnes de Mille: A Conversation with Gemze de Lappe and Helen Gallagher

PWMT_demillePeople Who Make Theater

The World of Agnes de Mille: A Conversation with Gemze de Lappe and Helen Gallagher

Moderated by Mindy Aloff

Monday, October 19 | 7:30pm

HB Playwrights Theatre | 124 Bank Street
$10 suggested donation | $5 HB students & staff

RSVP Online

HB is exploring the canon of the American musical theater this year, with support from the Frederick Loewe Foundation.

 Continue reading →

In Memoriam: Jeanne Kaplan

Jeanne KaplanIt is with great sadness that we acknowledge the passing of Jeanne Kaplan this past weekend.  Jeanne taught Acting Technique and Scene Study at HB from 1986 to 2014 and was a student of Herbert Berghof, Michael Howard, Lee Strasberg, Stella Adler, Julie Bovasso, and others. She began her professional career as Beatrice in Ulu Grosbard’s Sheridan Square Playhouse production of Arthur Miller’s A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE with Robert Duvall as husband Eddie Carbone and Jon Voight as cousin Rudolfo. On Broadway she did Jack Gelber’s THE CUBAN THING with Raul Julia, Rip Torn and Maria Tucci. A marvelous actress, teacher, and soul — generous, loving, funny, wise and true — she will be greatly missed.

Her memorial will be held on Sunday, September 20th @ 3:00 pm at the Riverside Memorial Chapel, 180 W 76th Street, entrance just east of Amsterdam Avenue.

Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered: Playing PAL JOEY – A Conversation with Helen Gallagher & Rita Gardner

PWMT_BBB_Playing Pal Joey_eblastPeople Who Make Theatre
Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered: Playing Pal Joey
A Conversation with Helen Gallagher & Rita Gardner

Moderated by Robert McQueen

Helen Gallagher (No, No, Nanette, Sweet Charity, Ryan’s Hope) won her first Tony as Gladys Bumps in the 1952 revival of Rodgers & Hart’s Pal Joey. This production also starred Elaine Stritch, as Melba, Harold Lang as Joey with Bob Fosse as Lang’s understudy. Rita Gardner (Luisa in the original cast of The Fantastics, Ben Franklin in Paris, The Wedding Singer) played the role of Linda English in the 1963 revival which featured Bob Fosse as Joey along with Viveca Lindfors. Robert McQueen, director of HB’s fall performance lab of Pal Joey, will join Helen and Rita in conversation about playing in this provocative Rodgers & Hart gem, which was based on a series of short stories by John O’Hara and scandalized audiences at its 1940 premiere. This evening is made possible with support from the Frederick Loewe Foundation and is part of HB Studio’s series celebrating the American Musical Theater canon.

Monday, September 21 @ 7:30pm
HB Playwrights Theatre, 124 Bank Street
$10 suggested donation, $5 HB Students & Faculty
RSVP online