Author: HB Studio


Amplifying Women’s Voices Past & PresentHB Public Conversation: The Mother Line Story Project

With Eliza Simpson & Lauren Nordvig

Monday, October 29 | 7:30pm
HB Playwrights Theatre | 124 Bank Street
$5-$10 suggested donation


In 2015, The Mother Line Story Project began by building a collective – story by story. It started with an idea to lead women through writing workshops, encouraging them to create short monologues in the voices of their female ancestors. (Think – The Moth meets Before long, they had women of all ages & ethnicities performing for diverse audiences Off-Broadway – these previously untold stories were in turns  hysterical, heartbreaking, poignant, & slice-of-life. The Mother Line Story Project collaborates with female-identifying performers, designers, directors, activists, students, businesses & communities, presenting these stories all over the world. Fostering connection & providing a safe artistic space for female expression are their proudest accomplishments.

Join us for a conversation about The Mother Line Story Project with Founder/Executive Director Eliza Simpson and President/Director of Education and Development Lauren Nordvig. Also featuring the performance of a Mother Line story.


HB Public Conversation: SAG-AFTRA Info Session

With Aaron Serotsky and Phoebe Jonas

Moderated by Paige Russo

Monday, September 24 | 7:30pm
HB Playwrights Theatre | 124 Bank Street


Have questions about SAG-AFTRA? Join us for a conversation with SAG-AFTRA representatives and leading commercial performers about the benefits of the union and taking the next step in your career. Learn what it takes to navigate today’s changing media landscape and what SAG-AFTRA is doing to stay ahead of the curve.



by Perry Guzzi 
directed by Cynthia Granville

with Debra Kay Anderson*, Grace C. Benedetto, Olivia De Salvo, David James, Olivia Jampol, Nico Kiefer*

Saturdays & Sundays, September 16, 22, 23, 29, 30, October 6 & 7 | 8 pm
First Floor Studio | 120 Bank Street, New York

As young Julie reveals in her new doll house story: Once upon a time, a monster came to town and ate all the men except for Julie’s Uncle Sandy who is locked away in a dark little cave. Today, the monster is back for the women — Julie, Mommy, Grammy, and a stranger named Lisa who has suddenly appeared at their door.

*these actors are appearing courtesy of Actor’s Equity Association
Drawing by Laura Benedetto

Logos of the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York State Council on the Arts, and the New York City Department of Cultural affairs
This program is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, and many generous supporters.

TOO CLOSE by Luigi Laraia, directed by Pablo Andrade

Presented in partnership with LAKEARTS FOUNDATION 


A new play by Luigi Laraia
With Richard Tanenbaum & Daniel Owen
Directed by Pablo Andrade

September 13, 14, &15 | 7:30 pm | $25*-35
HB Playwrights Theatre

124 Bank Street, New York City

In true Hitchcockian style, the author sets the play in an everyday space and invites the audience to share it with the actors.. Claustrophobic, gripping, relevant.
— Capital Fringe Festival

A parable about climate change and its impact on two unsuspecting individuals trapped in an elevator in a modern-day high rise. At its simplest level, TOO CLOSE is a microcosm of a world in which depletion of resources leads to the inhumanity of man against man.

Each evening will also feature leading scientists, writers, and climate change activists discussing the global impact of climate change on our daily lives and ultimately the relationships within our community. Followed by a complimentary reception.

*$25 Student Tickets are available in limited quantities!


Saturday & Sunday, June 23 & 24 | 8 pm
First Floor Studio
120 Bank Street

Free! RSVP

Created and Directed by Emilyn Kowaleski and Sarah Stites

This Play Was Not Written by a Woman is a devised performance piece that explores the layered nature of personal identity and self-expression. By creating privilege-wielding alter-egos and aggressively self-positive WWE wrestling personas, our ensemble lampoons  society’s expectations of sex, gender, and race in a raucous farce of never-ending reveals.

TRANSGRESSIONS: Six evenings, Six plays-in-process

Six evenings, six plays-in-process: staged readings of new works.

June 26 – July 1, 2018 | 7pm
HB Playwrights Theatre
124 Bank Street, NYC

June 26 – LOVE, ROSE by Reneé Flemings
Set during the Age of Jazz, “Love,Rose” is one woman’s story of overcoming challenges of loving who you love and how the truth becomes malleable when race is at the heart of the matter.

Six people’s lives collide while looking at Art at a Museum in Harlem.

June 28 – NIGHT SHADOWS by Lynda Crawford
Russian poet Anna Akhmatova is keeping her promise to tell of the “true twentieth century”—of lives disrupted, her poetry banned, and so many loved ones lost under Stalin’s brutal regime.

June 29 – MR. WAHEEB by David Loughlin
A young black man has been picked-up by Federal agents and taken to an interrogation room in lower Manhattan. He is suspected of being connected to a massive terror strike against the United States. He is young, naive, and very possibly innocent.

June 30 – HOT AND HOLY by Susan Eve Haar
Sex in a coma, a love story.

July 1 – WHAT’S NEXT MAX? A LOVE STORY by William Shuman
For more than fifty years, Max and Maxine shared their lives and more often than not the stage; now comes the hard part.

All shows at 7PM

HB Playwrights Theatre
124 Bank Street, NYC

Featuring plays selected from the 2018 Rehearsal Space Residency Applicants.

People Who Make Theater – Tectonic Theater POSTPONED

Tectonic Theater (The Laramie Project)
A conversation with Jimmy Maize

Moderated by Pablo Andrade

This event has been postponed until further notice. 


TECTONIC THEATER PROJECT is an award-winning company whose plays have been performed around the world.  The company is dedicated to developing innovative works that explore theatrical language and form, fostering an artistic dialogue with audiences on the social, political, and human issues that affect us all.  In service to this goal, Tectonic supports readings, workshops, and full theatrical productions, as well as training for students around the country in their play-making techniques.

Tectonic Theater Project was founded in 1991 by Moisés Kaufman and Jeffrey LaHoste. Tectonic refers to the art and science of structure and was chosen to emphasize the company’s interest in construction — how things are made, and how they might be made differently.

Its groundbreaking plays, The Laramie ProjectGross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde, and I Am My Own Wife among others have sparked national discourse and have inspired artists and audiences worldwide.

BEE – June 2018

Presented in partnership with The LES Shakespeare Company 
Created & Directed by Melody Erfani
Written by Sean Michael Welch

June 8-9, 15-16, 22-23 | 7pm
June 10, 17, 24 | 3pm
HB Playwrights Theatre
124 Bank Street, New York City

RSVP – Free!

BEE is the story of Izat, a young Iranian girl trapped in an abusive marriage in the 1940s. After years of suffering both physically and mentally at the hands of her spouse she knows the only way she will survive is if she is able to leave him. In an unprecedented move her father is able to use his influence to secure a divorce for her. Moving back and forth in time from 1940 to 2009, the story weaves together Izat’s struggles with her path to a happier life. Based on a true story and inspired by a collection of interviews from Middle Eastern immigrants and refugees.

PEOPLE WHO MAKE THEATER: The Immigrant Arts Coalition- May 7, 2018

A Conversation with Co-Chairs
Ayse Eldek Richardson & Christopher Massimine
Monday, May 7 | 7:30pm
HB Playwrights Theatre, 124 Bank Street
Suggested donation $5-$10
The Immigrant Arts Coalition is a network of multi-disciplinary arts organizations and artists united to empower immigrant arts, advocate for diversity and fair representation of all cultures, and celebrate the immigrant arts contributions to American culture. Formed in July 2017, The Immigrant Arts Coalition recognizes the importance and ongoing contribution of artists and arts organizations, who represent America’s diverse cultural mosaic. Members – represented by artists and organizations – will serve as the united front for advocacy, audience development, and work to collaborate with ongoing and continuous shared programs.

Weekly Notice

Classes | Workshops | Calendar | DONATE


Spring Term 2025 is beginning this week at HB Studio. We welcome all of our new students and welcome back our returning students! Everyone on the staff is thrilled to have you join us in the classroom.

Running late? There’s still time for you to sign on to make the most of this term. If you’d like to learn more about enrollment and other open programs at HB, don’t hesitate to stop by in person at 120 Bank Street or give us a call at 212-675-2370. Select classes and workshops have limited space available, including all of the following.

Acting with the Camera 3 (Online) with Lisa Pelikan
“I have taken Lisa’s class several times before and always learn something new and grow in my acting endeavors. Lisa has a method that I believe in and she is devoted to her students. She spends time outside of class helping a student on a one-to-one basis. I cannot recommend her enough” – Mimmye

Acting 2 with Magaly Colimon
“Magaly is a great teacher who planned class with attention and ideas for building from one session to the next. I liked the homework, readings, and tasks assigned, and I appreciated the body work at the start of class. My goals were met. I was hoping to learn new skills to add to scene study classes and I learned so many thanks to her guidance.” – Acting 1 Student

Movement for Actors: All Levels with Cynthia Navarro
Cynthia, one of our new teachers, was born and raised in New York City and was classically trained in Flamenco and Ballet at Ballet Hispanico. We are excited to see what Cynthia brings to the first class she teaches at HB Studio: “actor’s gym,” or Movement for Actors.

Acting Intensive with Vincent Pastore
Many know him best as Big Pussy, but at HB Studio? “I’m Vinny. I’m a teacher. I’m not that guy on television, you know.” With an impressive amount of acting experience to pull from (read this recent interview about his acting life in Closer Weekly), his Acting Intensive workshop is one of our most popular workshops this term.

So browse our catalog of in-person and online courses and see if there’s one more thing you’d like to learn this term. And don’t forget: if there’s too much last-minute pressure to register for a class today, you can always audit a class during the first three weeks of the term to decide if a class is right for you.

Live at HB Studio

Coming Soon: 2025 Residency Projects and Spring Term Showcases

Community News

HB Studio News

Do you remember stepping into a HB Studio classroom for the first time? Maybe you felt at home, found your voice, or created something special.. something new? Or simply the moment you felt at ease – that you could practice your craft in a nurturing space free from industry pressures.

HB Studio means artistic freedom. The freedom from external pressures that so many artists feel daily.

HB is proud to be a home for artists. Providing a place to recharge, reset, reconnect, or rediscover your craft. With faculty and mentors who – just like you – have been there before, to help provide support and grow your artistic practice. Being an HB student is a practice itself in shedding tension and allowing yourself to grow, so that when you head into the field you can feel confident and refreshed.

Our priority always will be providing students and teachers alike a safe haven to explore their craft. Of course, our community – you – know firsthand how special this promise is.

Please help HB Studio continue to serve artists. A donation from you ensures that HB can remain available to all artists – emerging and established – to take a step back, breath and focus on the work. We’d be so grateful for your support – make a donation today!

Faculty News

Snezhana Chernova performs in Five Evenings (in Russian with English subtitles) at Chain Theater through March 30.

The film The Nana Project, starring Mercedes Ruehl, begins streaming on major platforms.

Alumni & Student News

Dafna Rosenblum performs in An Enemy of the People at Performing Arts of Woodstock through March 30.

Shyla Idris performs in Adam Driver at Chain Theatre as part of New York City Fringe from April 5-19.

Kimberly Milburn performs in Madama Butterfly at the Hungarian House’s Amore Opera through March 30.

Praying for Shakespeare, written and performed by Eric Weiner, plays at The Barrow Group Solo Show Festival on April 6 at 3:30pm.

Kathleen Files performs in An Ideal Husband at Lyndhurst Mansion in Tarrytown, NY, through March 30.