Casting Notice: First Floor Studio Performance Project

Seeking 3 male actors to participate in a HB First Floor Studio Project of “Bridal Shower” by Andrew Marvel, directed by Joshua Lombard.


  • Tristan – Mid to late 20’s. Latino. Speaks English fluently. Sincere, grounded young man striving to carve out a place for himself in New York. Ambitious yet practical. Stubborn and petulant. A survivor. In a relationship with Mark, a man in his 40s.
  • Matthew – 40’s. LLBean on the outside, progressive-leaning on the inside. A successful investment banker who lives very much in the mainstream and has broken through his own fears and prejudices to marry the love of his life, Raul, in a very public setting.
  • Raul – 40’s. Cuban American. A recently elected openly gay New Jersey Assemblyman. Operates in a very conservative setting, but with a strong sense of self, and a sense of entitlement that has meant never denying his sexuality. Hot tempered and self-assured. A politician at heart.

Please email headshots and resumes ASAP to BOTH
Joshua Lombard  –
Andrew Marvel –