
2016 First Floor Studio Residency: Request for Proposals


Deadline for Proposals: Monday, November 23, 2015
Selected Projects will be announced by: December 31, 2015

HB Studio is dedicated to training and practice for the theatre. The Studio will, at intervals throughout the year, make workshop performance space available in our First Floor Studio, for the development of creative projects that further the training and artistic practices fostered at HB. The Studio is not a producing organization, nor should these presentations be construed as “showcases.” Rather, we offer an opportunity for practicing theatre artists to collaborate on experimental projects, to be shared among peers and colleagues, for constructive critical feedback and mutual growth.

Eligible Projects may include, but are not limited to, the following: Continue reading →

Enroll Now in Five Week Classes for the Fall!

Sign up now for a class the second half of Fall! Check out these 5-week offerings:

Singing Voice 1 with Martha Bernard
Tuesdays | 1:00pm-3:00pm | Oct 20 – Nov 17 | $205

Singing Voice 1 with Martha Bernard
Thurdays | 5:30pm-7:30pm | Oct 22 – Nov 19 | $205

Singing Voice 1 with John Bowen
Wednesdays | 7:00pm-9:00pm | Oct 21 – Nov 18 | $205

Singing Voice 2 with Martha Bernard
Mondays |  5:30pm-7:30pm | Oct 19 – Nov 16 | $205

Singing Voice- Studio Practice with Helen Gallagher
Tuesdays | 3:15pm-5:45pm | Oct 20 – Nov 17 | $225

Alexander Technique with Martha Bernard
Thurdays | Oct 22 – Nov 19 | 3:30-5:00pm | $155

Alexander Technique with Stephanie Proessl
Wednesdays | Oct 21 – Nov 18 | 10am-11:30am | $155

Union Discount: AEA and SAG/AFTRA members receive 10% off Fall Term enrollment when registering by October 30. Please present your membership card in the registration office, or email a copy to and contact to enroll.
(Discounts not valid for workshop offerings, cannot be combined, and cannot be applied retroactively)

Performance Lab: PAL JOEY

Music and Lyrics by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart

Directed by Robert McQueen

7pm | September 26 & 27, 2015
First Floor Studio, 120 Bank Street
Click here to RSVP

Using scenes from the musical PAL JOEY this lab will focus on strengthening each participants’ rehearsal process, beginning with score preparation, table work and will then move into staging and choreographic rehearsals. Open performances will be a mix of staged and choreographed scenes and table readings.

This project is made possible through the generous support of the Frederick Loewe Foundation.  Continue reading →

First Floor Residency – NEVER ODD OR EVEN


First Floor Studio Residency

Work-in-progress Performance Presentation
(Ending with Q&A, Topic: DIY Theater)
Sunday, August 23 at 7pm

Open Rehearsals – No RSVP, Come anytime!
Saturday, August 15, 4pm-8pm
Sunday, August 16, 4pm-8pm (ending with Q&A, Topic: devised theater)
Saturday, August 22, 4pm-8pm 

TITLE:POINT productions
Directed by
Theresa Buchheister
Written by Ryan William Downey, Theresa Buchheister, Scott Ries, Spencer T. Campbell
Featuring: Justin Anselmi, Ryan William Downey, Glor Klar, Catrin Lloyd-Bollard & J.R. Rose

Title:Point turn their hectic gaze toward beginnings and endings
in the palindromic fever dream, Never Odd or Even.
Five isolated human shapes
Pivot through time and space while
Navigating the fantastical beasts,
Dead playwrights,
Confounding mathematicians,
And earnest cowboys
They encounter and become.

Developed by residencies at
Pilot Balloon in Lawrence, Kansas and
HB Studio in New York City.

Title:Point is proud to present
Their phantasmagorical delve
Into the interiors

Catch a full performance of NEVER ODD OR EVEN
at The Brick Theater, Williamsburg Sep 08, 2015 – Sep 19, 2015
Use discount code PALINDROME for $12 tickets! (regularly $18)

First Floor Studio Residency
 – HB Studio is dedicated to training and practice for the theatre and to the ongoing artistic development of actors, directors, and playwrights. The Studio will, at intervals throughout the year, make workshop performance space available in our First Floor Studio for the development of creative projects that further the training and artistic practices fostered at HB. The Studio is not a producing organization, nor should these presentations be construed as “showcases” or “productions.” Rather, we offer an opportunity for associated artists to collaborate on experimental projects, to be shared among peers and colleagues, for constructive critical feedback and mutual growth. 

NEA and NYSCA Acknowledgement

Over Halfway to Our Goal!

Watch the stack of books grow!HB is delighted to announce that $18,187 has already been raised to help support our programs for theater artists.

Thank you, dear friends and generous supporters, for getting us OVER halfway to that $30,000 goal!

Let’s get ALL THE WAY by August 31st!


If you have yet to make a gift, please join us now. Your support will help provide our professional and aspiring actors, playwrights, and directors with classes and workshops led by experienced artists and master teachers, residencies for project development, and opportunities to explore work in performance.
Contributions can also be earmarked for our scholarship fund to help those students with the greatest need, The Hagen Institute, performances and productions, or improvements in our classrooms and buildings.

Click here to donate today! You can make a difference in the lives of the 3,000 theater artists we serve each year.

The Books are Piling Up …

SpringAppealPoster2015HB is delighted to announce that $15,857 has already been raised to help support our programs for theater artists.

Thank you, dear friends and generous supporters, for getting us halfway to that $30,000 goal!

Let’s get ALL THE WAY by August 31st!

If you have yet to make a gift, please join us now. Your support will help provide our professional and aspiring actors, playwrights, and directors with classes and workshops led by experienced artists and master teachers, residencies for project development, and opportunities to explore work in performance.
Contributions can also be earmarked for our scholarship fund to help those students with the greatest need, The Hagen Institute, performances and productions, or improvements in our classrooms and buildings.

Click here to donate today! You can make a difference in the lives of the 3,000 theater artists we serve each year.

Five Week Classes in July & August!

Sign up now for a class the second half of Summer! Check out these 5-week offerings:

Singing Voice 1 with Martha Bernard | 6-8pm Mon | July 20-Aug 17 | $205
Singing Voice 1 with Martha Bernard | 1-3pm Tue | July 21-Aug 18 | $205
Singing Voice 1 with John Bowen | 7-9pm Weds | July 22-Aug 19 | $205
Singing Voice 2 with Martha Bernard | 5:30-7:30pm Thur | July 23-Aug 20 | $205
Alexander Technique with Martha Bernard | 3:30-5pm Thur | July 23-Aug 20 | $155

For Young People:
Acting for Teens (14-17) with Marlene Mancini | 11am-1pm Sat | July 25-Aug 22 | $205
Acting for Young People (9-13):
– with Marlene Mancini | 1-3pm Sat | July 25-Aug 22 | $205
– with Claudia Terry | 4-6pm Fri | July 24-Aug 21 | $205
Teen Audition Intensive 1pm-5:30pm Wed | July 22-Aug 19 | $308

Union Discount: AEA and SAG/AFTRA members receive 10% off Summer Term enrollment when registering by July 30. Please present your membership card in the registration office, or email a copy to

(Discounts not valid for workshop offerings, cannot be combined, and cannot be applied retroactively)

Summer Registration, Early Bird Discounts, & Auditions!

Summer Term registration is now open. Summer Term will run 10 weeks, June 15 – August 23, with several 5-week class offerings.

Early Bird Discount: To receive 10% off Summer Term enrollment, register by June 1st with code SUMMER15*

Union Discount: AEA and SAG/AFTRA members receive 20% off Summer Term enrollment when registering by June 1. Please present your membership card in the registration office, or email a copy to After June 1, Union Members can still receive a 10% discount until July 26.*

(Discounts not valid for workshop offerings, cannot be combined, and cannot be applied retroactively)*

Browse classes and register online.

Sign up for your audition! May 8 & 12 and June 1 & 2. New students wishing to study at an upper level are asked to audition before a faculty panel. For audition schedule, details and sign up info, visit the Auditions & Prerequisites page. Level 1 offerings are open to all without prerequisite or audition.