David Deblinger‘s Implicit Memory Systems: A Jungian Farce opens at LAByrinth Theater Company’s 59e59 Theater as part of their Barn Series 2025 on Feb 20 at 7:15pm.
The film The Nana Project, starring Mercedes Ruehl, begins streaming on major platforms.
Maria Fontanals stars in El Espacio Entremedias (The Space in Between) at Teatro Círculo for eight performances between Feb 14-23 (performed in Spanish with Overtitles in English).
Jessica Hecht stars in Eureka Day on Broadway at Samuel J. Friedman Theatre with shows running until Feb 16.
Christopher Abbott stars in the feature Wolf Man, a reimagined take on the 1941 classic gothic horror film, in theaters now.
Jack Vincent Moran performs in Zero Day, a TV Mini Series streaming on Netflix starting Feb 20.
Faculty News Archive
Rachel Christopher join the cast of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on Broadway, playing Hermione Granger.
Jermaine Rowe will be live-streaming his solo performance Transitions on Nov 8 at 7:00pm.
Jean-Marc Berne won the Earphones Award for the audiobook narration of House of Bone And Rain, written by Gabino Iglesias.
Christopher Abbott stars in the feature Wolf Man, a reimagined take on the 1941 classic gothic horror film. Expected to release in 2025.
Mark Nelson performs The Lehman Trilogy at Guthrie Theater in Minnesota. Runs Sept 14–Oct 13.
Fred Weller performs in the upcoming Amazon Prime series, Better Sisters with Elizabeth Banks and Jessica Biel.
Snezhana Chernova plays Olga Knipper- Chekhova in the play Dear Anton, Dear Olga! written by Tatyana Korinfsky at Polaris North Studio 245 West 29th Street, 4th floor, NYC. Friday, Aug 16 & Saturday, Aug 17 at 7:30pm; Sunday, August 18 at 5:30pm.
Snezhana Chernova is the cultural consultant for The Meeting The Interpreter at Theatre at St. Clement’s, featuring HB Faculty alum, Frank Wood and Kelly Curran. Performances run July 29–Aug 25.
Julie McKee‘s play Will Sacrifice is playing at Chester Theatre Company. Performances run July 25–Aug 8.
Fred Weller performs in the upcoming Amazon Prime series, Better Sisters with Elizabeth Banks and Jessica Biel.
Jessica Hecht will be back on Broadway at Manhattan Theatre Club in Eureka Day by Jonathan Spector, directed by Anna D. Shapiro. Coming Fall 2024.
Magaly Colimon-Christopher directs Searching for Abuelo, written/performed by Gretchen Suarez-Pena will be performed at Theatre Row on June 13 at 8 pm as part of the 2024 Downtown Urban Arts Festival. Use discount code: halfDUAF for 50% off tickets.
Jack Vincent Moran performs in Zero Day, streaming soon on Netflix.
Laila Robins and Mark Nelson perform in a one-night performance of Bernard Shaw’s Heartbreak House with Gingold Group. Performance is on May 20 at 7:00pm.
Magaly Colimon-Christopher‘s company Conch Shell Productions’ is now distributing short films previously screened at Conch Shell International Film Fest via www.Hoopladigital.com on their new channel – CSIFF CHANNEL. Hoopladigital is a FREE digital library service that offers movies & more to public library patrons. HooplaBingepass is available to library card holders in the U.S., Canada, New Zealand, and Australia.
Paul Pryce is invited as a special guest to attend the inaugural Cross Continental Co-Production Forum (CFF) in Barbados and Trinidad. This forum brings together media executives and high level producers from Canada, UK, South Africa, and several Caribbean countries, aiming to encourage collaboration, business development, and co-productions. This year’s focus will be ‘Decolonizing the co-production process for the benefit of the Global South.’