Acting for Young People: Ages 9-13

When the actor believes, we believe. The child’s natural instinct for play is the foundation of the actor’s process. Using the game of make believe to get into the “shoes” of the character, we begin to play with the possibilities that game invites in us. In order to believe I am the character, I must begin to learn all I can about who “I” am in the role: what surrounds and affects me, what I know, where I have been and where I am going; what I want, and what I do to get it or to make it happen. We use improvisation to awaken and explore creative impulses. Theatre games and exercises expand imagination, awareness, concentration, expressivity, and help build skills of communication, cooperation, and collaboration. Through text work designed for the young performer, we make strong, specific, meaningful connection to the language and circumstances of the play, bringing the author’s words to life. Through acting, young people gain compassionate insight about themselves and about the world around them; gain poise and confidence; develop problem-solving skills; and engage with peers and mentors in a joyful, collaborative process.


HB Studio offers both online classes and in-person classes at the Studio. Before your first class, please review the information outlined on the relevant page(s). Class titles below indicate which are running online vs. in person. 

Most classes run for 10 weeks. Some classes are offered in two 5-week parts (Part A & Part B), and you can sign up for either part independently or register for both parts for $15 off. You can register for Part B without taking Part A: