Being on Camera 1

Presented by Amelia Campbell & Anthony Arkin

Held in-person

Transitioning into the world of on-camera acting can be daunting. How can we translate what we know about performing into this medium? It starts with you. Just you, being.

Process focused, this workshop gives students the opportunity to spend time in front of the lens working on both monologues and scenes. Participants explore how it feels to BE, rather than perform; how it feels to make friends with the camera – or at least call a truce! To come to understand the camera as a partner who is infinitely interested in our truth.

Being On Camera 1 is designed for theatre actors of all backgrounds to investigate the mechanics of screen acting with no pressure and without having to focus on “getting the job”.

The Being on Camera workshop series is presented by two acclaimed actors each with 20 plus years experience on stage and on both sides of the camera.

Current and Upcoming