Show Me the Money: Financial Empowerment for Artists

Presented by: David Maurice Sharp

Held online over Zoom: 

Dancer/choreographer/finance whiz David Maurice Sharp continues his series of financial seminars for performing artists with this special 5-week-long workshop.

Week #1—Becoming Financially Mindful
Incorporating financial mindfulness into our lives can be especially tough for artists. Examining steps we can implement to take control will be our launching pad. This week we will explore ways to overcome the ‘feast or famine’ mentality, savvy ways to become a saver, figuring out your monthly nut, and building an emergency cash stash.

Week #2—The Building Blocks
Creating a sound financial plan including a well-diversified investment portfolio requires an understanding of the basic elements. In week #2 we will examine the cornerstones of your financial well-being—including risk assessment, the primary investment elements (cash, bonds & stock) and insurance—and the role that each of them plays.

Week #3—Tax Talk
Filing your income taxes is stressful for everyone. For artists, it is especially important to understand the nuances that are unique to our industry. As your financial assets start to build, knowing the impact they will have on your tax situation is also critical.

Week #4—Prepping for Later
Deferring funds for use in our post-working years in the form of IRAs, 401(k)s and 403(b)s is one component of retirement planning. Understanding Social Security and Union Pensions are additional pieces that will help to complete the picture.

Week #5—Investment Strategies
The more you can incorporate financial well-being into your day-to-day life the better off you will be. In this final week, we will explore strategies to help ensure that you keep moving towards your financial goals in a steady and efficient manner.

Online teaching statement from instructor David M. Sharp:
“Often, the moments of our greatest progress and creativity arise during our most difficult circumstances. With much of the world in a virtual lock down and uncertainty and tumult in the economy, it is a prime time to assess and strengthen your financial wellness plan. Whether you need to begin putting a plan into place or are shoring up and improving the one you’ve already begun, join us for this 5-week webinar to support and improve your financial well-being.”

Recommended reading: The Thriving Artist by David Maurice Sharp

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