The Art of Directing

Summer 2024: The Art of Directing – A 6-Week Collaborative Workshop (Invitational)

Taught by industry professional Pat Golden

The collaboration between director and playwright on the development of a new play in process requires communication, curiosity, and a deeply cultivated understanding of the writer’s intentions and modes of expression. A successful collaboration creates a bond of trust that can lead to other ventures.

Unique Opportunity for Directors to Work with a Playwright!

Directors Collaborate with a Playwright to Workshop Act I of their New Play

Implement Playwright’s Newly Revised Scenes 

Collaborate with Playwright in a Table to Reading Workshop

Learn To:

  • Practically Apply of  Skills Required to Collaborate with Playwrights
  • Develop Relationships
  • Connect with a Community of Playwrights and Actors
  • Work In-depth to Implement Directing Skills You’ve Learned in AoD I and AoD II
  • Understand the Playwright’s Work – What is Important to the Playwright?
  • Cast Actors – It’s the Director’s #1 Job
  • Direct Actors
  • Sharpen Storytelling Skills
  • Work with Playwright and Actors in Outside Meetings and Rehearsals to Present Workshop of Act I

PREREQUISITES – This course is open:

  • By Invitation to Playwrights who previously Submitted Plays for consideration in the 2023 “Directors New Play Lab”
  • By Invitation to Directors who have Completed AoD I & II
  • Actors: Interested in Participating? Contact

Dates: *June 17 – July 22, 2024  (6 Weeks)

*Jump Right In:  Outside Meetings with Playwright and Space for Initial Rehearsals Required

To Do Before First Class: Read Assigned Play; Meet with Playwright to Collaborate; Set Goals for this  Developmental Workshop

Current and Upcoming