Singing Voice 2

Singing Voice 2 is for you if you have some foundation in singing technique, having developed a connection of the voice to the breath, a practiced and heightened listening ability, a sense of phrasing and an ability to practice on your own. Class work will continue to develop singing technique and musicianship, with exercises to support the development of vocal control, flexibility and range. You will be asked to treat the song lyric as text not unlike that of a script, toward the goal of memorized presentation and interpretation of the song. [Accompanist provided.]


HB Studio offers both online classes and in-person classes at the Studio. Before your first class, please review the information outlined on the relevant page(s). Class titles below indicate which are running online vs. in person. 

Most classes run for 10 weeks. Some classes are offered in two 5-week parts (Part A & Part B), and you can sign up for either part independently or register for both parts for $15 off. You can register for Part B without taking Part A:

Current and Upcoming