An introduction to performance art
Directed by Alejandro De La Guerra –
This performance lab is about creative processes using the body as an aesthetics and political tool. This introduction to performance art is targeted to artists from different artistic mediums. It is for those who would like to face a challenge, to explore your own body as political expression, and to make a reflection on power and fragility. Guided by Alejandro De La Guerra, a performer, teacher, and multidisciplinary artist.
Radical and fragile bodies is a creation of multiple tasks designed by De La Guerra, using references from art history performance such as Joseph Beuys, Marina Abramović, Ana Mendieta, Chris Burden, Regina Jose Galindo, Zhang Huan, David Nebreda, Rosemberg Sandoval. Additionally, De La Guerra will invite some performance artists such as Pancho Lopez and Natacha Voliakovsky to collaborate and direct a few classes with the participants. The Lab will be offered in ten sessions with a final presentation open to the public.
Lab sessions will meet Thursdays, 6-9PM, June 15-August 17.
Performances will be held at 6PM on, Saturday, August 12.
Open to all; artists from various disciplines are encouraged to participate