The primary objective of this class is to free up the artist’s channel through intensive physical training. Think of it like the actor’s gym. Our work together happens under the notion that the body is a channel through which we process our experiences into motion and sound — whether that be through acting, filmmaking, writing, etc. When the channel is open, you learn to connect with and respond more spontaneously to an environment without tension or pushing. A large portion of the freeing-up process is psychological, which requires an understanding of and connection to your emotional and physical self. The mindfulness component of the movement work encourages you to be permissive with your habits, experiences and emotions as they develop in the body. However, this is never accomplished in a vacuum. The unique insight of this training is the necessity for you to be in contact in order for the work to take-hold. This happens through regularly practiced ensemble and partner exercises. The concept of “play,” begins to take hold, as you understand improvisational movement without tension or anxiety – working less cerebrally and more kinesthetically.
Cynthia Navarro | Michelle Uranowitz
HB Studio offers both online classes and in-person classes at the Studio. Before your first class, please review the information outlined on the relevant page(s). Class titles below indicate which are running online vs. in person.
Most classes run for 10 weeks. Some classes are offered in two 5-week parts (Part A & Part B), and you can sign up for either part independently or register for both parts for $15 off. You can register for Part B without taking Part A: