Stage Combat

HB Studio offers both online classes and in-person classes at the Studio. Before your first class, please review the information outlined on the relevant page(s). Class titles below indicate which are running online vs. in person

  • IN-PERSON CLASSES meet for the full 10-week term, 1 session per week. (Some exceptions apply)
  • ONLINE CLASSES are offered in 5-week Parts, 1 session per week. Sign up for either Part A or Part B independently (5 weeks each), or join both for the full 10-week term. You may join Part B without taking Part A.

This class applies the definition of acting as “behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances” to the stage combat world. You must have the skills to tell the physical story with as much accuracy and commitment as you bring to the spoken word. You must be able to meld truthful emotional life with a performance that remains collaborative, repeatable and safe.

You will learn advanced hand to hand and grappling techniques, and should time allow, knife and sword work for the stage.

With the instructor’s’ guidance you will learn the process of crafting your own staged fights.

STAGE COMBAT INSTRUCTOR: Christian Kelly-Sordelet

Current and Upcoming