
You will have demonstrated a commitment to the art and craft of playwriting, possess a thorough grasp in practical terms of the vocabulary and technical skills presented in Playwriting Technique, and be able to engage with and support your fellow artists with lively and generous discussion. You are ready to embark on longer plays with multiple characters. These plays are guided from the creative impulse of the first draft to clarifying, exploring and shaping the second. You are ready to embrace and delve more deeply into the challenges of the revision, sacrificing favorite lines and notions to dramaturgical momentum, as mastery of the rewrite becomes a thrilling and joyful venture.

Requirements: You must have working knowledge of and access to a word processing program in order to format your work according to industry standards (eg. Microsoft Word, Final Draft, Celtx, or equivalent).


HB Studio offers both online classes and in-person classes at the Studio. Before your first class, please review the information outlined on the relevant page(s). Class titles below indicate which are running online vs. in person. 

Most classes run for 10 weeks. Some classes are offered in two 5-week parts (Part A & Part B), and you can sign up for either part independently or register for both parts for $15 off. You can register for Part B without taking Part A: