Instructor: Ashish Pant
Held online via Zoom:
A ten-week course focused on the craft and process of writing a feature length screenplay. Open to returning students who have completed “Screenwriting for the Short Film.” New students with previous experience writing screenplays may submit a script sample to be considered for admission directly into this class.
In weeks 1-6, we will study feature length screenwriting through study of THREE screenplays. We will spend 6 hours (2 sessions) studying 3 exemplary screenplays to learn concepts. These screenplays could be, for example, SUNSET BOULEVARD, A SEPARATION, THE SAVAGES. During the course of these six weeks you will also work on developing characters and building a narrative engine for your proposed screenplays.
In weeks 7-10, you will develop and workshop a detailed outline for a feature length screenplay.
You should be prepared to undertake a significant amount of writing during the term.