Daniel Carlton is an actor, storyteller, playwright, poet, director, and award-winning teaching artist who has appeared on New York, national, and international stages. His work has been presented in schools, jails, homeless shelters, libraries, and other traditional and non-traditional spaces. He is currently working on several commissions, most recently Harlem Stage, to write and perform a show for the Harlem Renaissance Centennial, and Syracuse Stage, co-writing a family audiences play with Nambi E. Kelley based on paintings by Robert Shetterly. Most recent director credits include developmental workshops of Nambi E. Kelley’s TRANSLATION OF LIKES at Western Carolina University , NIGHT TRAIN 57 at the Kennedy Center. JABARI DREAMS OF FREEDOM at the New Victory Theater in New York City. Playwright credits include: MARCH ON! based on interviews with attendees of the 1963 March On Washington. MARCH ON! is currently touring, has recently sold out The Apollo Theater school day live performances, and will be featured at the National Black Theater Festival 2019. Other play-writing credits include: TIMELESS JOURNEYS, a series of monologues based on the history of free African Americans in Brooklyn, NY, commissioned by The Weeksville Heritage Society. A WHISTLE IN MISSISSIPPI-The Life and Death of Emmett Till (currently touring) co-authored along with Michael Green, THE DREAM INN (The Schomburg Center for Research) based on the poetry of Langston Hughes, SHELTER: REFUGEES OF THE AMERICAN DREAM (Blackberry Productions), among other works. Other notable commissions include projects for Jazzmobile, The New School for Jazz Studies, Summerstage, and the Charlie Parker Jazz Festival to write and perform a multimedia verse play WHEN SMALLS HAD IT ALL ( A tribute to the former Jazz club in Harlem, Small’s Paradise) for the Harlem Jazz Shrines Festival and The Charlie Parker Jazz Festival. Daniel is a proud alumni of the historic Negro Ensemble Company . Favorite roles throughout the years include Malcolm X in THE MEETING, John in DAY OF ABSENCE, ” Day Of Absence” Lyons in FENCES, The Negro Resurrectionist in VENUS and The Children of War Theater Project.