Teaching Statement:
“My goal is to provide students with exercises and techniques that release students from habitual self-use patterns and free them to realize authentic moments in performance and – ideally – life.
My Acting 1 class is an Introduction to Character. This class will give actors the tools needed to explore and analyze characters in scripted material. Through various holistic approaches – multi-sensory work, games, improvisation, actionable objectives, movement, etc. Students will learn engaging and transformational ways to read a script and bring to life vibrant, multi-dimensional characters in performance.
My Acting 2 class focuses on Script Analysis for the Actor. This class will give students the tools needed to read scripts with active curiosity, so that you can bring the script to life in unique and specific ways. Your enhanced understanding of the script will improve your performance. You will explore specific techniques that allow you to identify inciting events, main events, character relationships, themes and genre and all the particulars that make storytelling powerful and clear. The course begins with an introduction to the approach, followed by in-depth analysis of assigned scripts each week. We will be breaking down a screenplay, a play and a popular TV pilot together. You will each explore a character from each of the scripts, and perform excerpts from scripts and/or sides analyzed in this class.”
Magaly Colimon-Christopher is an actress/writer/producer/
Her acting credits include: BLUE BLOODS, GRAND ARMY, HOSTAGES, LAW & ORDER SVU, ER, THE CLOSER, LAW & ORDER- CI; JITNEY; MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM, LAX, BN4REAL, HER TORY, YES, MADAME, SEX AND THE CITY, LAW & ORDER, and numerous commercials. She is a proud member of The Actor’s Center and Actor’s Studio Playwright & Directors Unit. Her writing/producing credits include: SILENT TRUTH (2018 Finalist O’Neill National Playwrights Conference); THE HUNTING SEASON (Planet Connections Theatre Festivity 2018); YES MADAME! (Official Selection: Pan African Film Festival, Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival, Reel Sisters Film Festival, and HBREC Film Festival); HER TORY (Semi-Finalist Caribbean Film Festival and Market); BUTTERSCOTCH AND FUDGE (Ah-Ha Moments One-Act Play Fest); and BN4REAL (web series). For more info about Magaly, go to www.magalycolimon.com
Magaly is the Founder/Producing Artistic Director of Conch Shell Productions, a company with a mission to develop, present, and celebrate new plays and films by Caribbean Diaspora and Caribbean writers & directors.Conch Shell Productions is the presenter of Conch Shell International Film Fest (Aug 26-28, 2022 www.conchshelliff.com), publisher of We’re Not Neutral – A Collection of New Short Plays written by BIPOC writers available for purchase on Amazon.com, CSP New Works Series, and co-producers of Reset Series.