The HB Studio faculty is comprised of practicing theater artists recognized for their professional work in performance in film and theater, both on and off the stage. Many began as colleagues or students of Herbert Berghof and Uta Hagen, and help in continuing on their legacies.
Current Faculty
- Anthony Arkin
- Josiah Bania
- Wade Barrett
- Michael Beckett
- Tina Benko
- Martha Bernard
- Jean-Marc Berne
- Eve Bianco
- Demetrius Blocker
- Jim Boerlin
- John Bowen
- Theresa Buchheister
- Charlotte Bydwell
- Amelia Campbell
- Daniel Carlton
- Snezhana Chernova
- Rachel Christopher
- Magaly Colimon
- Dianna Cortez
- Keith David
- David Deblinger
- Nehassaiu deGannes
- Richard Dent
- Stephen DeRosa
- Craig MacArthur Dolezel
- Ryan William Downey
- Sarah Einspanier
- Laura Esterman
- Francesca Ferrara
- Maria Fontanals
- Pat Golden
- Carol Goodheart
- David Grimm
- Sam Groom
- Jessica Hecht
- Richard Hoehler
- Russell G. Jones
- Rasa Allan Kazlas
- Christian Kelly-Sordelet
- Fran Kirmser
- Sara Koviak
- Maggie Lacey
- Karen Ludwig
- Marlene Mancini
- Sita Mani
- Marsha Mason
- Marion McCorry
- Theresa McElwee
- Julie McKee
- Robert McQueen
- Ben Mehl
- Jackson Moran
- Amy McDonald Morrison
- Brian Mulligan
- Cynthia Navarro
- Mark Nelson
- Janice Orlandi
- Brenna Palughi
- Ashish Pant
- Vincent Pastore
- Daniel Pearce
- Lisa Pelikan
- Austin Pendleton
- Ilse Pfeifer
- Lonny Price
- Stefanie Proessl
- Paul Pryce
- Bill Quigley
- Alex Ratner
- José Rivera
- Julissa Roman
- Carol Rosenfeld
- Jermaine Rowe
- Mercedes Ruehl
- Reza Salazar
- Lorraine Serabian
- David Maurice Sharp
- Elizabeth Shepherd
- Trudy Steibl
- Alexis Suarez
- Claudia Terry
- Christopher Tramantana
- Michelle Uranowitz
- Luis Vega
- Fred Weller
- Frank Wood
Guest Instructors
- Caroline Aaron
- Christopher Abbott
- Alexandra Beller
- Erick Betancourt
- Christopher Burney
- Patrick K. Dooley
- Melissa Errico
- Tony Gillan
- Igor Golyak
- Shawn René Graham
- Daniel Harnett
- Peter Francis James
- Jonathan Lynn
- Judi Lewis Ockler
- Dael Orlandersmith
- Larry Owens
- Laila Robins
- Timothy Scott
- Lauren Singerman
- Stew Stewart
- Jane Streeton
- Justine Williams
- Nina Wise