MACBETH: The Shakespeare/Beckett Axis

HB Performance Lab Presentation

Director: Christopher Martin
Ensemble: Luis Flores, Danielle Shimshoni, Philip O’Gorman, Armand Eisen, Trey Ervine, Joleen Wilkinson, Janine Hegarty, Kristin Sgarro, J.B. Alexander
Production Assistants: Panit Chantranuluck, Xhesica Mema

Five Performances:
Wed Oct 16, Fri Oct 18, Mon Oct 21, Sat Nov 2, and Sun Nov 3
7:30 PM, followed by a talk-back

First Floor Studio, HB Studio
120 Bank Street

All are welcome! No admission charge.

A deconstruction of Shakespeare’s tragedy from the perspective of the sleepless descent into madness. An ensemble performance. In an empty space (give me any empty space and I can make it a bare stage – thank you, Peter Brook), where Macbeth is approached as Shakespeare Our Contemporary (thank you, Jan Kott), through the prism of The Theatre of the Absurd (thank you, Samuel Beckett).