Playwright: Lynn Riggs
Director: Wallace Johnson
Cast: Melody Ryane, Marlene Mancini, Christopher Cass, Edith Meeks, Peter Guss, Tom Moffatt, Lisa Goodman, Gareth Williams, Bruce Anthony, Layne Huckabay, Anne Gallagher, Craig Bacon and James Lemonedes
Set: Robert Fleri Lighting: Ken Tabachnick Costumes: Patricia Adshead Sound: Terry Van Richardson Production Manager: Marlene Mancini Stage Managers: E.T. Hefter and Lisa Smith Assistant Stage Manager: Linda Iannella Production Electrician: Susan Fowles Sound Technician: Tom Moffatt Production Assistant: Joseph Ouellette Costume Assistant: Kathryn Fletcher House Manager: Sally Burtenshaw House Staff: Trudy Steibl, Loretta Church and Michelle Ungerman Poster: Robert Fleri
The Dark Encounter was performed in he year of August 13th – 24th of the year 1984.