Playwrights: Neena Beber, Catherine Filloux, Alexandra Gersten, Dmitry Lipkin, Quincy Long, Julie McKee, Daniel Reitz, Ari Roth, Peter Sagal, Joe Sutton, Jay Tarses, Tug Yourgrau

Directors: Jessica Bauman, Aleksy Burago, Kevin Confoy, Deborah Hedwall, Caroline Kava, Kimberly I. Kefgen, Jordan Lage, James Milton, Jules Ochoa, Shira Piven, Jean Randich and David Simonds
Cast: Jessica Allen, Marc Ardito, Peter Birkenhead, Victoria Boothby, Robert Burke, Shannon Burkette, Snezhana Chernova, Caitlin Clarke, Tami Dixon, Tom Draper, Ryan Dunn, Joel Garland, Grant Goodman, Pamela Jayne Gray, Paula Gruskiewicz, Michelle Hurst, Rhonda Jensen, Diana LaMar, Julie Fain Lawrence, Salem Ludwig, Jason J. Madera, Tony Martinez, Jennifer McGowan, Sheryl Moller, Julia Mueller, Harsh Nayyar, Patricia O’Grady, David Prete, Gerriane Raphael, Richard Rodriguez, Martin Shakar, Godfrey L. Simmons Jr and Amy Wright
Set: Andy Warfel Lighting: Chris Dallos Sound: Robert Auld Costume: Deborah R. Rosen and Kyra Svetlovsky Technical: Carlo Adinolfi Production Stage Manager: Kimberly I. Kefgen Stage Managers: Gro Engelstoft, Ruth McKee, Liz Sabia Artistic Director: William Carden Managing Director: Robert Callely
The Airport Plays were performed June 8th – 27th.
Departures: Two sisters, Pauline and Jane, were conversing in the airport as they were about to board the plane. Pauline starts having a sort of anxiety so she holds off on going on the plane, but as the last call for boarding is announced they finally rush to get on the plane.
Storks: Anne is a woman who is accompanying her aging grandmother back to her home in France and while waiting for the flight discuss life choices and regrets.
The Airport Play: A woman and a man waiting at an airport terminal form a connection through literature and eventually have an in depth conversation about life in which they consul each other.
I AM LAIKA: Two dogs in an airport pet carrier bond over what they perceive as unjust treatment.
The Flight of the Last Calhoon: Calhoon, a young man scared to go on an airplane, complains to the dentist about his situation. After, the dentist puts Calhoon to sleep to remove his wisdom tooth, and he has a dream of his mother and father.
HAERE MAI KI AOTEAROA: Fiona is entering New Zealand and as she waits to enter she converses with herself.
Where I Come From: An American couple converses about middle eastern people and culture not knowing that a middle eastern man named Aziz was waiting in the airport with them. The woman named Shay converses and flirts with Aziz everytime Mark, the man who was with Shay, left to go to the store.
Terminal Connection: While in an airport terminal, Cordella and Morgan are having a long conversation with each other. Cordella is supposed to go home to her family but is restricted not by force but by the words of Morgan to not go home. The end result leads both of them to go home.
Happenstance: Amy and Martin, two old lovers run into each other at an airport and talk about their current lives.
Layover: Four strangers in an airport lounge bond over “making love”.
Cecila: A man tells a woman about his play in an airport terminal and tries to convince her to let him use her likeness for a character.
Peanuts: In a departure gate, an elderly couple, Herb and Frances wait with there friend Phil to board an old propellor plane. As they are going through the process the Gate Agent is giving everyone a very hard time.