Full Productions
The Dark Lady of the Sonnets
An HB Performance
Playwright: George Bernard Shaw
Director: Francesco Zerlenga
Cast: Richard Mawe, David Troup, Brian Mulligan, Patricia O’ Grady, Sally Burtenshaw
Costumes: Anna Hill Johnstone Set: Hal Tine Lighting: Howell Binkley Production Manager: Marlene Mancini Technical Director: Steven Douglas Cook Costume Assistant: Lydia Hamza Director’s Assistant: Andrea Grover Stage Manager: Scott Kuchak Assistant Stage Managers: Ann Day, Rudy Mella Electrician: Meg Ryan Sound: Michelle von Rheinhardt Wardrobe: Therese Traber Poster: Diana Perez
The Dark Lady of the Sonnets was performed March 14th – 26th
Synopsis: It is midsummer night on the terrace of the Palace at Whitehall, overlooking the Thames. The Palace clock chimes four quarters and strikes eleven. The Man arrives at Whitehall where he meets a Beefeater guard. He persuades the Beefeater to allow him to stay to meet his girlfriend, a lady of the court, who will be arriving soon for a secret tryst. The Man notes down various interesting phrases used by the Beefeater. The Lady arrives, cloaked, but it is not the woman he is expecting. The Man immediately falls for her.
The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet
An HB Production
Playwright: George Bernard Shaw
Director: Francesco Zerlenga
Cast: Linda Sue, Thea D’ Alvia, Alice McLane, Katharine Cullison, Elizabeth Yager, Ann Day, Aurora Kaschner, Jess Osuna, Richard Mawe, Steven Douglas Cook, Rudy Mella, Sally Burtenshaw, Jean-Paul Moreau, Stanley Taub, Gilbert Ron, Peter Gaitens, Christian Arin, Noel O’Neill, Timothy McCall, Caterina Xiroyanni
(Costumes): Anna Hill Johnstone (Set): Hal Tine (Lighting): Howell Binkley (Production Manager): Marlene Mancini (Technical Director): Steven Douglas Cook (Costume Assistant): Lydia Hamza (Director’s Assistant): Andrea Grover (Stage Manager): Scott Kuchak (Assistant Stage Managers): Ann Day, Rudy Mella (Electrician): Meg Ryan (Sound): Michelle von Rheinhardt (Wardrobe): Therese Traber (Poster): Diana Perez
The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet was performed March 14th through March 26th, 1990
Synopsis: The author describes the play as a religious tract in dramatic form. Blanco Posnet, the protagonist is wrongfully accused of horse-theft and sentenced to be hanged. By great good-fortune he is rescued by the testimony of a female witness, Feemy—the local harlot—for whom he has uncharacteristically performed an act of charity. His exoneration is spiritually transforming: His status changes abruptly from pariah to pillar of the community. He does not marry Feemy, but shakes hands with her before they part.
An HB Studio Production
Playwright: Ugo Betti
Director: Carol Rosenfeld
Cast: Edith Meeks, Sally Burtenshaw, Sheryl White, Patricia O’ Grady, Thea D’ Aliva, Ben Walden, Brad Waller, Kenneth Furie, Frederikke Borge, Matthew Conlon, Jess Osuna, Francesco Zerlenga
Director: Carol Rosenfeld Set Design: Al Doyle Lighting: John Harrison Costume: Denise Hudson Sound: Robert Fleri Production Manager: Lawrence Arancio Stage Manager: Alice McLane Technical Director: Steven Cook Lighting Assistant: Ana Maia Rodriguez Wardrobe Mistress: Liz Yager Property Mistresses: Patricia Day, Mary Ezell Sound Technician: Christian Arin Production Electricians: Craig DuPlessis, Steve Cook Production Assistant: Anette Sorensen House Managers: Coral Bodkin, Jennifer Edwards, Ann Day, Princess Wilson Poster: Linda Pasteuing
Summertime was performed September 13th – 24th, 1989
Synopsis: Alberto has been seeing a young widow Noemi and she has mistaken his friendship for more. Her brother is upset that her feelings have been trifled with and they both set of after him. Alberto runs up into the mountains to hid with the picnickers. He meets Francesca who accidentally pushes him off a cliff.
A Backward Glance of Edith Wharton
An HB Studio Production
Director: Helen Gallagher
Cast: Helen Gallagher, Waltrudis Mathes, James Cesa, Susan Riskin, Carol Morley, Elaine Kilden, Joan Matthiessen, Carlotta Sherwood, Fran Wieckowski, Lenore Loveman, Maja Wampuszyc, Ann Day, Patti Specht, Lawrence Arancio, Julie McKee, Sally Harrison
Set: Al Doyle Lighting: John L. Harrison Costume: Anna Hill Johnstone Costume Assistant: Lydia Hamza Production Manager: Marlene Mancini Technical Director: Steven Cook Assistant Technical Director: Robert Fleri Stage Manager: Alice McLane Electricians: Patricia Babb, Bill Maguire, Anton Graham Sound: Salvatore Lentini Assistant Stage Managers: James Cesa, Ann Day, Maja Wampuszyc Production Assistant: Princess Wilson House Manager: Sherry Tischler Assistant House Manager: Stan Tischler Poster: Linda Pasteuing
Playwright: P.J. Barry
Director: Marlene Mancini
Cast: Darlene Bel Grayson, Steven Cook, Richard Mawe, Deirdre Maganaro
Director: Marlene Mancini Set Design: Al Doyle Lighting: Rick Brownstein Associate Designer: John L. Harrison Costume Design: Lydia Hamza Stage Managers: Maja Wampuszyc, Jamie Cesa, Ron Redelfs Assistant Stage Manager: Ann Day Production Assistant: May Talman Poster: Linda Pasteuing
Tracer was performed November 21st – December 3rd
Holding Hands
Playwright: George Howe Colt
Director: Marlene Mancini
Cast: Jennifer Michas, Andrew Buck. Danettte Pachtener, Brett Fadem, Kelly Michas, Steven Cook, Deirde Maganaro, Matthew Conlon, Isabelle Werenfels, Edward Connors, Jaime McIntosh, Stig Wemss, Carol Cadby, David Troup, Sally Burtenshaw, Brian Mulligan, Edith Meeks, Peter Taubman
Set Design: Peter Eastman Lighting: Anthony Quintavalla Costume Design: Lydia Maza Technical Director: Steven Cook Stage Managers: Mary Ezell, Trish Geiger Production Electricians: Robert Fleri, Kathryn Williams Sound Technician: Angus Carnie Production Assistants: Thomas Mofatt, Andrea de Matteo House Manager: Becky Chapple Poster: Jeanine Scocozza
Holding Hands was performed July 12th – 24th of the year 1984.
The Young Strangers
Playwright: Irene Kamp
Director: Herbert Berghof
Cast: Richard Mawe, Mark Houghton, Melissa Shaw, David Troup, Gregory Mitchell, Sally Burtenshaw, Patricia O’ Grady, James LaChere, Tom Lees, Danette Pachtner, Francesca Ferrara, Becky Chapple
Set Design: Hal Design Special Paintings: Kathe Berl Lighting: Rachel Bickel Costume: Anna Hill Johnstone Assistant Costume Designer: Lydia Hamza Production Manager: Marlene Mancini Technical Director: Steven Cook Stage Managers: Danette Pachtner, Catherine Grandigo Assistant Stage Managers: Tom Lees, Francesca Ferrara Electrician: Robert Fleri Sound: Savannah Hadler Assistants: Pat Butters, Tia Carrere Poster: Linda Pasteuing
The Young Strangers were performed May 22nd – June 2nd
Early Rains
Playwright: William Cobb
Director: Marlene Mancini
Cast: Jennifer Michas, Jennifer Golby, Michael Higgins, Carol Goodheart, Jess Osuna
Set: James Youmans Lighting: Rachel Bickel Costume: Anna Hill Johnstone Technical: Steven Cook Production Manager: Danette Pachtner Production Stage Manager: Ann-Marie Brady Stage Manager: Kelly Michas Production Electricians: Jamie Marsh, Hal Cohen Understudy: Francesca Ferrara House Manager: Donna Kennedy Poster: Linda Pasteuing
Early Rains was performed March 25th – April 6th