Full Productions

Animal Lovers

Playwright: Donna de Matteo

Director: Herbert Berghof

Cast: Barbara Coggin, Jess Osuna, Earle Hyman, Edward Morehouse, Martha Schlamme, William Hickey, Deborah Hedwall, Lily Lodge, Peter Dalto and Walden Banks

Set: Lester Polakov Lighting: James Singelis Costumes: Robert Pusilo Production Manager: Marlene Mancini Stage Manager: Mara Lynn Assistant Stage Manager: Elissa Napolin Technical Director: David H. Murdock Setting Painted: Wendy Keagy Design Assistance: Martha Voutas Production Electrician: Julia McLaughlin Production Assistants: Timothy Silver, Ellen Savette and Linet Henry Carpenter: John Pohlman House Manager: Patricia French Assistant House Manager: Ellen Savette Hospitality: Vanessa French and Rena Stavrolakes Poster: Martha Voutas

Animals Lovers was performed June 21st – 30th of the year 1977.

Ain’t It Just Like the Night

An HB Studio Performance

Playwright: David Rimmer

Director: Brandwell Teuscher

Cast: Patsy Denk, Griffin Dunn, Michael Mantel, Robin Siegel

 Lighting Designer: Lyn Corno Production Manager: Marlene Mancini Stage Manager: Dana Preece Production Electrician: Julia McLaughlin House Manager: Patricia French Hospitality: Vanessa French, Rena Stavrolakes

Ain’t It Just Like the Night was performed July 15th – 24th


An HB Studio Performance

Playwright: Petrina McGowen

Director: Carol Rosenfeld

Cast: Kathryn Breech, Wayne Moore, Michael T. Folie, Barbara Preminger, Laura Gardner, James Ramsay

Set Designer: Michael Massee Lighting Designer: Sara Schrager Production Manager Marlene Mancini Stage Manager Alexandra Melchi House Manager: Patricia French Production Assistant: Neil Richman Hospitality: Vanessa French & Rena Stavrolakes.

While… was performed April 22nd – May 1st


Playwright: Maurice Valency

Director: Susan Lehman

Cast: James Bormann, Susannah Blinkoff, Shirley Bodtke, Barbara Coggin, Robert Elston, Anita Feldman, Michael J. Hume, Marie Mariano, Joan Matthiessen, Alice McLane, Sanford Morris, Patricia O’Grady, Bruno Ragnacci, Donald May, Lelia Weston, Charles Bender, Sabrina O’Malley, Deborah Petrino, Lorraine Lazarus, Ron Cosgrove, Nadine Robiczek, Burton B. Collins, Warren Shaw, Jerry Hemmerleand Madonna Young

Set Designer: Timothy Farmer Lighting Designer: David Logan Costume Designer: Faye Fingesten Original Music: Jason McAuliffe Special Staging: Barrie L. Estes Choreography: Buck Heller Composer: Jason McAuliffe Production Manager: Marlene Mancini Assistant Stage Manager: Pamela Enz Poster Design: Janet Cornell Stage Manager: Jim Bormann and Georgann Madigan House Manager: Patricia French Production Assistants: Anita Feldman, Carol Schaye, Tom Lauritis and Michael Franks Hospitality: Vanessa French and Rena Stavrolakes

Elektra was performed January 20th – 31st of the year 1976.


Poor Murderer

Playwright: Pavel Kohout

Director: Herbert Berghof

Cast: Lawrence Luckinbill, Bernard E. Barrow, Ernest W. Graves, Ellen Barber, Rudy Bond, Edmund Williams, Peter Maloney, Levana Finkelstein, Barbara Coggin, Elizabeth Dillon, Timothy Farmer, Sam Cousins, Stuart Rudin, Marc Burd, Tamara Bliss, Stanley Wietrzychowski and Anita Feldman

Set Designer: Dan Leigh Costume Designer: Barbara Rose Lighting Designer: Martin Tudor  Production Manager: Marlene Mancini Literary Advisor: Micky Levi Composer: Tamara Bliss, Stanley Wietrzyschowski  Technical Director: Timothy Farmer Stage Manager: Anita Feldman  Production Assistant: Doris Brook, Carol Schaye Production Carpenter: Marc Burd, Sam Cousins, Stuart Rudin Production Electrician: Douglas Murray Poster Designer: Robert Biro House Manager: Carol Schaye Hospitality: Dawn Gallagher, Mickie Gallagher, Vanessa French, Rena Stavrolakes

Poor Murderer was performed July 13th – 21st of the year 1974.


The Drunken Sisters

An HB Studio Performance

Playwright: Thornton Wilder

Cast: Shirley Bodtke, Barbara Coggin, James Dybas, Patricia O’Grady, Lelia Weston

Set Designer: Dan Leigh Lighting Designer: Martin Tudor Costume Designer: Betty Martin  Production Manager: Marlene Mancini Technical Director: Timothy Farmer Stage Manager: Anita Feldman Stage Manager: Brooks Porter Production Electrician: Douglas Murray Production Assistant: Marc Burd Production Assistant: Ellen Michaels Poster Designer: Ann Raychel Poster Designer: Robert Biro House Manager: Dawn Gallagher  Hospitality: Mickie Gallagher Hospitality: Vanessa French Hospitality: Rena Stavrolakes

The Drunken Sisters was performed May 30th – June 8th

Synopsis: The Drunken Sisters is Wilder’s satyr play that followed The Alcestiad, his adaptation of the ancient Greek “Alcestis” story. Apollo ventures into the land of the three sisters of Fate who control the threads of each man’s life, and here in disguise he tricks the sisters into releasing their death hold on King Admetus. His trick: 3 flagons of wine which he declares to be Aphrodite’s beauty drink but which make the sisters drunk. He then foils them with a riddle, releasing the king from their snares– but only on the understanding that another is to die in his stead.

Krapp’s Last Tape

Playwright: Samuel Beckett

Director: Samuel Beckett

Cast: Herbert Berghof

Set Designer: Dan Leigh Lighting Designer: Martin Tudor Costume Designer: Betty Martin Production Manager: Marlene Mancini Technical Director: Timothy Farmer Stage Manager: Anita Feldman Stage Manager: Brooks Porter Production Electrician: Douglas Murray Production Assistant: Marc Burd Production Assistant: Ellen Michaels Poster Designer: Ann Raychel Poster Designer: Robert Biro House Manager: Dawn Gallagher Hospitality: Mickie Gallagher, Vanessa French, and Rena Stavrolakes

Krapp’s Last Tape was performed May 30th – June 8th

Synopsis: Krapp is elderly and emotionally depressed man. It is his 69th birthday. To mark the occasion, Krapp first listens to a tape he made on his thirty-ninth birthday to record important events and thoughts of the past year. He reviews tapes when he was younger and reminisces those moments. The play ends with elderly Krapp staring at nothing while the tape plays only silence.

A Report to an Academy

An HB Studio Performance

Playwright: Franz Kafka

Director: Franz Kafka

Cast: Robert Elston

Set Designer: Dan Leigh Lighting Designer: Martin Tudor Costume Designer: Betty Martin Production Manager: Marlene Mancini Technical Director: Timothy Farmer Stage Manager: Anita Feldman and Brooks Porter Production Electrician: Douglas Murray Production Assistant: Marc Burd and Ellen Michaels Poster Designer: Ann Raychel and Robert Biro House Manager: Dawn Gallagher Hospitality: Mickie Gallagher, Vanessa French and Rena Stavrolakes

A Report to an Academy was performed May 30th – June 8th of the year 1975.

Synopsis: This play is about an ape named Red Peter who has learned to behave with human-like qualities. He makes a presentation at the request of a scientific academy about how he has achieved his remarkable transformation. Red Peter feels trapped between two worlds as well as his past and present lives. He recognizes that he has transitioned into something new, no longer representing what he used to in the form of an ape; however, in the human world, he is still perceived as such. He regrets that he cannot supply any more information about his life as an ape, recognizing that attempting to transition back to an ape is more difficult than his transition towards humanness. His only desire now is not to be judged for his behavior but rather to spread knowledge.

Balm in Gilead

An Ensemble Production

Playwright: Lanford Wilson

Director: Marshall W. Mason

Cast: Johnathan Hogan, Danton Stone, Laurie Metcalf, Gary Sinise, Giancarlo Esposito, Glenne Headly

Performances: December 5 – 22, 2013

Synopsis: Wilson’s first full-length play, Balm in Gilead centers on a café frequented by heroin addicts, prostitutes, and thieves. It features many unconventional theatrical devices, such as overlapping dialogue, simultaneous scenes, and unsympathetic lead characters. The plot draws a parallel between the amoral and criminal activity that the characters engage in to provide escape from their boredom and suffering, and the two main characters’ becoming a couple in order to escape from their lives


The Kitchen Plays

One Act Play Festival

Playwrights: Jenifer Badamo, Natalie Bates, Carolyn Boriss-Krimsky, Adam Delia, Susan Eve Haar, Agnes Garrett, Matthew Heftler, Jason Jung, Philip Kushner, David Loughlin, Karen Ludwig, Randy McHaney, Charles J. Sirey, Matthew Widman.HB Studio's The Kitchen Plays

Directors: Abigail Zealy Bess, Adam Delia, Gwynn MacDonald, Peter Zinn, Marlene Mancini, Giovanni Villari, Dawn Knipe, Elizabeth Bove.

Cast: Philip Kushner, Eric Rasmussen, Ilia Widman, Laurel Castilla, Sylvana Widman, Alessandra Bonvicini, Misha Braun, Danielle Velcroft, Joe Stillman, Sheilagh Weymouth, Ryan Quigley, Suzanne Limozinere, Anne Kearns, Margaret Ritchie, Rachel Benbow Murdy, John L Payne, Timothy Laurel Harrison, Billie Brouse, Jim Boerlin, Melissa Sussman Siobhan O’Loughlin, Gloria Lamoureux, Noel MacDuffie, Julio C Pena, Domenica Galati.

Production Stage Manager: AJ Dobbs, Production Assistant: Elisa Nieto, Managing Director: Marlene Mancini, Office Manager: Susannah Robertson.

The Kitchen Plays were performed April 10 – April 27 2013

All-Star Of David Team by Philip Kushner: Neil and Samuel, two men at a kitchen table talk about Jewish baseball players.

Roz and Her Daughters by Karen Ludwig: A mother at breakfast with her two daughters is surprised to discover her ex husband is having a new child.

Eulogy by Jason Jung: Paul and Esther, a couple in their 50s prepare to go to a funeral for Paul’s brother.

Dinner Knight by Matthew Widman: Jessica and Gavin, a teenage girl and boy are in her kitchen when Jessica’s younger sister barges in.

It’s Time by Natalie Bates: Roz and Joan, two women converse in Joan’s kitchen after not seeing each other for a long time.

Dirty Little Secrets by Jennifer Badamo: Patricia and John, a couple have dinner with John’s disapproving grandma.

Kevin and Angela by Matthew Heftler: Two young lovers, Kevin and Angela talk in the kitchen after Kevin is released from prison for 3 weeks.

Numbers by Carolyn Boriss-Krimsky: During breakfast two sisters argue over responsibility.

Dinner At Finnerans by Agnes Garrett: An elderly father and his son reflect on their childhoods.

Irish Crystal by Randy McHaney: Two estranged sisters, Anne and Jenny talk in a kitchen after a funeral. Tension increases when Anne tries to fix things and go back to how they were.

The Epiphany Of The Jewish Ducks by Charles J Sirey: Middle-aged Fiona and her husband, Sam plan a long awaited trip to Paris in order for their children to meet each other, but Fiona’s mother has different plans.

Avenue B by David Loughlin: Lovers, Raul and Blanca discuss in the kitchen of their apartment upcoming changes in their lives revolving gentrification on Avenue B.