
Destination Alaska

An HB Ensemble Production

Playwright: Robert KingDestination Alaska - HB Studio

Director: Peter Bennett

Cast: Jack Davidson, Rosemary De Angelis

Set: Giovanni Villari Lighting: Jill Nagle Costume: Catherine Siracusa Managing: Marlene Mancini Assistant Stage Manager: Stephanie Carlisle Office Manager: Christina Roussos

Destination Alaska was performed March 15th – April 2nd, 2010

Synopsis: Eleanor and her husband, Herb, go on a cruise to Alaska as their 40 year anniversary celebration. Eleanor faces an internal struggle while having to deal with her husband that dumps all of his issues on her, leaving Eleanor no time to relax or be at peace.

The Living Room Plays

One Act Play FestivalThe Living Room Plays - HB Studio

Playwrights: Andrew R. Heinze, Maria Elena Torres, Natalie Bates, Agnes Garrett, Mark Rose, Karen Ludwig, Carolyn Boris-Krimsky, Benny Benowitz, Bill Quigles, C.S. Drury, Nicole Pandolfo, Nora Ferrari, Nancy Redman, Jennifer Badamo, Peter Zinn, Alex Ladd, John J. Murray.

Directors: Jonathan Cerullo, Sally Burtenshaw, Marlene Mancini, Marsha Sheiness, Peter Zinn, Austin Pendleton, Nora Ferrari, Peter Zinn, Arthur French.

Cast: Laurence Cantor, Betsy Johnson, Colin Chapin, Diane Dreher, Jack Davidson, Karen Chitlon, Ric Sechrest, Kristen Vaughan, Daniela Mastropietro, Nick DeSimone, Bill Quigley, C.S. Drury, Nancy Redman, Chris Brescia, Nicole Pandolfo, Kathryn Danielle, Philip Kushner, Arnie Mazer, Alice Gold, Eric Rasmussen, Jody Prusan, Cordis Heard, Tom Tinelli, Suzanne Limozinere, Emily Jon Mitchell, Nick DeSimone, Charles Baran, Nick DeSimone, Beth Adler, Ross Kramberg, Danijela Popovich, David H. Holmes, Catherine Kjome, Ann Rickhoff, Billie Brouse, Karen Zechowy.

Lighting: Corrie Beth Shotwell Costume: Catherine Siracusa Managing Director: Marlene Mancini Technical Director: Giovanni Villari Stage Manager: Stephanie Carlisle Office Manager: Christina Roussos

The Living Room Plays was performed December 4th – 21st 2009

The Invention of the Living Room by Andre R Heinze: On a winter evening of 1943 at an apartment on the Lower East Side of New York, married couple, Abe and Bessie get involved into an argument about using the house’s parlor as a casual hangout place, also known as a living room.

A Proposal by Maria Elena Torres: In the town of Rezekne, Latvia on a Spring of 1890, twenty-two year old, Sarah and nineteen year-old Mendel hangout in Sarah’s apartment. A few moments later, Mendel proposes to Sarah and invites her to move to America with him to start their new life with her daughter, Broche.

Things Change by Natalie Bates: On a midmorning of Lisa’s modest home, she invites in her best friend, Barb to discuss about Lisa’s allegations of her husband seeing someone else.

Wheels by Agnes Garrett: In the living room of a one-family home, Diane and Emma get involved in a feud after Emma went to the park when being told not to.

The Maharini by Mark Rose: In a high-rise apartment near Ft. Lauderdale, Florida at a glass-top living room, a mother and her son converse about her upcoming death as her son struggles to figure out the family’s tree and marital history.

Lila’s Ashes by Karen Ludwig: In Jackie’s cluttered living room, she sits with her friend Diane as they converse about the death of Diane’s sister.

Taxi Dreams by Carolyn Boriss-Krimsky: A West Village living room on a Saturday morning before breakfast. Julian, a professor in his early forties, and Serena, a director in her late thirties, sit on the couch, drink coffee and look at the paper. Moments later, Serena talks about her dream revolving around a baby, she mentions the idea of having one but her husband, Julian is not very fond of it.

Who I’ll See When I Get to Heaven by Benny Benowitz: In a rehab center, a mother and a son converse about how their lives would be much better and safer if they moved to the city.


So Long Lives This by C.S Drury & Bill Quigley: In a cluttered living room, Dan worries about his best friend, Leo’s health state as he carries himself very poorly.

Clutter: I’m Saving My Life and It’s Killing Me by Nancy Redman: At 8 p.m in Nancy’s cluttered living room, she finally finds motivation to clean up her clutter after getting a letter from her landlord stating she will get evicted in a week.

Christmas in New Jersey by Nicole Pandolfo: There is a Christmas party going on in the basement at the house of an old high school buddy of Marie and Vito. Taking a break from the party, Marie and Vito reunite for the first time after six years in the living room of the house and converse on what they’ve been up to for the past couple of years.

Wonderland by Nora Ferrari: A living room in a 50,000 square foot modern home in East Hampton, New York, Mrs. Whittendale gets arrested for breaking into a house and posing as the owner.

4 Rooms of Gloom by Jenifer Badamo: In Rachael’s living room, she converses with her partner, Mike about their relationship and overall commitment.

Reike on the Plains by Peter Zinn: A living room in an old house in Oklahoma City, Sarah sits next to Newt as they wait for African Reikiest, Neema to help them ease their physical and emotional pain.

The Knot by Alex Ladd: During a house break in, married couple, Peggy and Ron are tied onto furniture chairs in their living room. Later on, Justin, the burglar confesses that Peggy is to blame for planning the break in and wanting to kill her own husband, after they have been allegedly seeing each other.

Broken by John J Murray: A living room in Damascus, Syria, a husband and wife are in the middle of an argument. The husband angrily smashes a valuable statue of a ceramic boy which breaks the woman, she then undergoes an unpredictable action.

Bless This House

An HB Staged Reading

Playwright: Lawrence DuKore

Director: Manfred Bormann

Bless This House was performed October 15th -16th

Synopsis: This is a four-character play set in the Red Hook/waterfront section of Brooklyn in 1932. It is the story of a dysfunctional Jewish family and the search by the son, 16 year-old Harry, to come to terms with his parents – and with himself. The father, Benjamin, is a wife beater whose craft as a glazier (creating stained glass windows for churches) belies his abusive nature. His wife, Bessie, is a seemingly willing victim, a peasant woman who escaped from Russia and was eventually “found” by Benjamin on a “shopping tour” of London. One night, Harry comes upon Benjamin about to whip the passive Bessie. The boy grabs a carving knife and threatens to cut his father, whereupon he is ordered out of the house forever.

Earlier, Harry had met and fallen in love with a girl named Lucy, a Jew in name only, an acknowledged atheist, whose parents were left wing, union organizers. Harry, now banished from his house, is going to live with an uncle, a rabbi, living in far off Iowa. The leave-taking, the separation of the teenagers, is painful for both of them.

Act Two is three years later. Harry and Lucy are married and have a year old baby boy. Bessie begs her son to visit his father, if only to see the grandson. And Harry does comply, returning to the house of his birth, albeit with deep anger and resentment. Benjamin is thrilled to be a grandfather and gushes over the baby boy. But Harry continues his quest to learn everything he can about his parents, where they came from, how they met, etc. The “dirty little secret” about his mother is a shocker. He is furious when he finds out that his mother was a prostitute. In his fury, he lashes out at his mother. The good son has become, in an instant, the bad father. Hopefully, in time, the young man will be a better father and a better husband.

The George Place

An HB Staged Reading

Playwright: David Johnston

Director: Kevin Newbury

Cast: Jacqueline Knapp*, Gil Rogers*, Vince Gatton*, Sloane Shelton*, Scott Robertson*, Jane Titus*

Managing Director: Marlene Mancini Technical Director: Giovanni Villari Office Manager: Christina Roussos

The George Place was performed October 7th – 8th of 2009

Synopsis: Brian has returned home for a visit, while his mother Alice has just found out that the there is an available space in a retirement home several miles away.  Over dinner with brother and his wife, Alice and Hart break the news that they are selling their house and moving to the retirement home.  An argument erupts, with Alice and Austin accusing each other of past wounds and grievances.

The Chase

An Ensemble Production

Playwright: Horton FooteThe Chase - HB Studio

Director: Rochelle Oliver

Cast: Matthew Conlon, Nick DeSimone, Katy Frame, Duncan Hazard, Gregory Higgins, Catherine Kjome, Johanna Leister, Arnie Mazer, Andy McCutcheon, Tom Tinelli, Giovanni Villari

Lighting: John Burkland Managing: Marlene Mancini Stage: AJ Dobbs Office Manager: Christina Roussos Costume: Patricia Ashead, Catherine Siracusa

The Chase was performed September 13th – October 1st, 2009

Synopsis: Sheriff Hawes, police of Richmond, Texas and a man he convicted long ago has escaped from the penitentiary. With possibility that Bubber Reeves, the convicted, might come after him, he tries to keep the town from panicking.

Tomorrow Morning

An Ensemble Production

Playwright: Bill Quigley

Director: Karen Ludwig

Cast: Mickey Sumner and Ryan Quigley

Set Design: Giovanni Villari Lighting Design: Alexander Bartenieff Costume Design: Catherine Siracusa Sculptures: Ashley Noelle Stewart Managing Director: Marlene Mancini Office Manager: Christina Roussos

Tomorrow Morning was performed April 2 – 20, 2011


A long lost son named Eric finds his mother, Cindy. While unsettled, she has conversations of her troubled past to share with her son. With the son’s musical talents, they bond through music. From this point on, they continue to dig through Cindy’s past and her sculptures. 

The Restaurant Plays

One Act Play FestivalThe Restaurant Plays - HB Studio

Playwrights: Karen Ludwig, Carolyn Boriss-Krimsky, Agnes Garrett, Alex Ladd, Stanley Taub, Irven Rinard, Jenifer Badamo, Adam Delia, Michele Stuart, Jason Jung, Lisa Dahlborg, Nicole Pandolfo, Natalie Bates, David Loughlin, Philip Kushner, Steve Lore, June Daniel White, Nora Ferrari, C.S. Drury, Bill Quigley

Directors: Arthur French, Karen Ludwig, Giovanni Villari, Peter Klein, Michael Beckett, Catherine Siracusa, Sally Burtenshwaw, Marlene Mancini, Adam LeGrant, Peter Zinn, Jenifer Badamo, Christina Roussos, Raymond Zaniriri, Mary Fassino, Carol Rosenfeld.

Cast: Marlene Mancini, Richard Mawe, Jenifer Badamo, Suzanne Limozinere, Nancy Redman, Tom Timelli, Marci Occhino, Dawn McGee, Roger Rathburn, John Montague, Olivia Buckley, Mitch Tebo, Christopher Johnson, Mary Dillon, Hugh Heckman, Philip Kushner, Georgina Bates, Johanna Leister, Chris Brescia, Craig McNulty, Diane Dreher, Mark Ramsey, Nicole Pandolfo, Antony Raymond, June D White, Tammy Lang, Bill Quigley, James Webb, Karen Zechowy, Marina Re, Andrea Gallo, Sean Walsh, Don Marlette, Michele Stuart, Jay Rivera, Eddie Wong, Yasuhito Miyazono, Stella Pejo, Brandi Robinson.

Assistant Directors: Iszellyn David, Shuiken Chan, Alexandra Breznay.

The Restaurant Plays were performed on December 12th – 20th


Patsy and Ed by Karen Ludwig: Lovers Patsy and Ed are on their honeymoon trip ordering food at a kosher delicatessen in New York City. As they talk, Ed seems disinterested in the conversation which bothers Patsy.

For Art by Carolyn Boriss-Krimsy: At a cozy West Village restaurant, lawyer, Maurice and his best friend, Blair meet for lunch to talk about Maurice’s new engagement and a recent surprising event.

Marco’s Venetian by Agnes Garrett: Joanne sits for dinner at Marco’s Venetian, an Italian restaurant in the Bronx as she waits for her older brother, Frankie to deliver the news of a job promotion as a Chase Bank Manager, but follows up with some bad news.

The Confession by Alex Ladd: In an empty diner, a devastated priest confesses to a waitress his act of committing a cardinal sin, breaking two of God’s commandments.

Dating Complications by Stanley Taub: Allison and Greg have never met in person but were introduced on the internet through E- Harmony. They are meeting for the first time at the Stage Deli for lunch when they find out they’re a perfect match!

The Ghost Who Came to Dinner by Irven Rinard: Sitting for dinner at the Chelsea Cuisine restaurant is forty year-old, Peter and his wife, Jennifer. Moments later, Jennifer spots a ghost who points at her husband, a signal that he’s allegedly unfaithful.


By Myself by Philip Kushner: At a subway sandwich shop, millennial, Gilbert sits to enjoy his lunch when Millie, a recently widowed woman and Patti, a free spirit join in for a nice and pleasant conversation.

The Perfect Cup of Coffee by David Loughlin: After traveling all across from the out west of Wyoming, Gus and Shorty are on the hunt for the perfect cup of coffee. They come across a restaurant in the Green Mountains of Vermont in which Sally works at. Will they find the perfect cup?

Mondays by Natalie Bates: A Monday evening in a small Italian restaurant in New York City, Julia and her son, Raphael meet once again to fix Raphael’s troubled and trapped marriage with his partner, Anna.

Eat, Drink, and Sleep With the Fishies by Steve Lore: Owner of Café Baccalá, Tony and his wife, Ro get involved into an argument with employee, Fast Eddie as he maintains to influence their ten year-old son, Little Anthony into becoming a jockey.

Things from the Ocean by June Daniel White: At a diner located on the seedy side of the beach in Wilmington, North Carolina owner of restaurant Things from the Ocean, Vannie and waitress, Nessie discover the picture of the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus on a tray of oysters. After the restaurant almost being foreclosed both women think this is a sign from God.

Passage by Nora Ferrari: At an Italian restaurant in the Bronx, Tony waits for his fiance Kathleen to arrive for dinner. After a few moments, Kathleen reveals that she wants to become a nun, this shocks Tony who begins an argument with her.

Found by C.S Drury & Bill Quigley: In a coffee shop in Manhattan, Brian sits as he waits for his friend, Jamie to return from a restaurant delivery. After a few moments, Brian dreams of declaring his love for Jamie and plans on running away with him to the Himalayas, when he comes to a sudden realization… 


Silent Waters Run Deep by Jenifer Badamo: Middle-aged women, Pat and Marion meet at Bamonte’s Restaurant in Brooklyn, where Pat confesses she broke up with her boyfriend and plans to take revenge in exchange for him being unfaithful.

No Dogs Allowed by Craig McNulty: A café in New York City’s Hell’s Kitchen, Jane, a magazine writer tries to convince her friend, Pat to take care of her dog, Ajax while she’s away on a business trip to California.

Saracino’s Restaurant by Adam Delia: Once again at his father’s Italian restaurant, young man, Danny reminisces the years when he was a child in the restaurant and the impacts since he left three years ago.

The Technicality by Michele Stuart: On a midday weekend at an upscale restaurant in Manhattan, soon to be married couple, Lauren and Jake are sitting for lunch. Jake introduces a technicality contract, an exit strategy in which helps out both of them just in case their marriage doesn’t work out.

Forbidden City by Jason Jung: In the Lum’s dining room, Pamela struggles dealing with her husband, Martin suffering from Alzheimer’s. Thinking he still works for his father’s restaurant, The Forbidden City, Martin doesn’t quite remember the valuable loving memories from his marriage.

The Sure Thing by Lisa Dahlborg: At a nice restaurant in New York City, Jake and Joy sit for lunch as they wait for their daughter, Clarissa, in order to discuss her new change of lifestyle from being a trapeze artist in a circus to working a corporate job with her fiance.

To Life by Nicole Pandolfo: Sisters, Debby and Marie, meet for dinner. While Marie is thinking of ordering the lobster, Debby is thinking of a whole-more like the fact she has cancer…

Six Characters in Search of a Cure

An HB Staged Reading

Part of The 4th Seven Playwrights in Search of a Production

Playwright: Richard Warren Green & Norman KlineSix Characters in Search of a Cure - HB Studio

Cast: Joseph Prussak, Briana Pozner, Kathryn Danielle, Matthew Conlon, Sean Walsh, Julie Kline, Fukumi Kashiwagi, Tokio Sasaki, Joseph Foley

(Managing Director): Marlene Mancini (Technical Director): Giovanni Villari (Office Manager): Christina Rouss

Six Characters in Search of a Cure was performed October 15-29, 2010

Six Characters in Search of A Cure - HB Studio


Chip Off The Moon

An HB Staged Reading

Part of The 4th Seven Playwrights In Search Of A Production

Playwright: Bill QuigleyChip Off The Moon - HB Studio

Cast: Joseph Prussak, Briana Pozner, Kathryn Danielle, Matthew Conlon, Sean Walsh, Julie Kline, Fukumi Kashiwagi, Tokio Sasaki, Joseph Foley

(Managing Director): Marlene Mancini (Technical Director): Giovanni Villari (Office Manager): Christina Rouss

Chip Off the Moon was performed October 23rd – 24th, 2010

Synopsis: Chip Off the Moon is a family drama with a ferocious comic underbelly set in a working-class neighborhood in NYC in 1953. Lucy Marino, sharp-tongued and cuttingly funny, works in a baking factory making ‘Smiley Cookies.’ Lucy and husband, Marty, share their modest apartment with Grace, her aging mother, who has no idea she’s battling dementia. Grieving the loss of one son killed in World War II, Lucy continues to have a trying and turbulent relationship with her remaining son, Tommy, who steadfastly refuses to live his life as his mother would have it. This play explores the never-ending tug-of-war of generations; parents and children ever colliding over the dreams and expectations they hold for each other.

Chip Off The Moon - HB Studio