One act play festival 
Playwrights: Brian Cleary, Jenifer Badamo, David Temple, Natalie Bates, Peter Coston, Maureen Laffey, Pete Zinn, Stanley Taub, Jean Grillo, Elizabeth Primamore, Karen Ludwig, Lisa Dahlborg, John Murray, Nora Ferrari, Agnes Garrett, David Loughlin, Shane Mullery, Mark Rose, Maria Torres, John Cappelletti, Henry Holden, Chris Drury, Benny Benowitz, Brenda McGriff, Peter Alexandrou and Bill Quigley
Directors: Marsha Lee Sheiness, Amy Wright, Marlene Mancini, Nora Ferrari, Kate Bushmann, Jack Hofsiss, Sally Burtenshaw, Karen Ludwig, Rochelle Oliver, Karen Azenberg, Jonatha Cerullo, Rasa Allan Kazlas and Peter Coston
Cast: Suzanne Limozinere, Fred Nelson, Dan Mason, Cecelia Riddett, Marci Occhino, Dave Weston, Georgina Bates, Nick DeSimone, Domenica Galati, John Golaszewski, Daniela Mastropetro, Marion McCorry, Tom Tinelli, Laura Esterman, Karen Song, Barbara Tabor, Billie Brouse, Paul Eisemann, David H. Holmes, Bill Rutkoski, Patricia Dodd, Dara O’Brien, Rick Ross, Kay Lopez, Eric Ramussen, Letty Ferrer, Gordana Rashovich, Martin Cohen, Georgina Bates, David Adams, Marlene Mancini, Shaun Bennet Wilson, Nicole Pandolfo, Jaclyn Smith, Trudy Steibl, Jen Danby, Mindy Luce, Emily Mitchell, Margaret Ritchie, Andrea Modica, Ella Jane New, Jack Davidson, G.W. Reed, Lori Gardner, Gary Corbin, Jessica Leigh Elwart, Rick Ross, Sean Gormley, Barry McBrien, Barry Lebmann, Ellen Steier, Kathy Lynn Wood, Jack Gerard Morris, Sly Augustus, Anthony Laurent, Gary Corbin, Yuval Boim, Sevan Greene, Peter Alexandrou, Emily Mithcell
Lighting: Corrie Beth Shotwell Lighting Tehnician: A.C. Davison Costume: Catherine Siracusa Assistant Stage Manager: Elise Teran Production Assistants: Jenifer Badamo, Sarah Nochenson, Kate Pressman Assistant Director: Adam LeGrant Sound: Adam LeGrant Movement: Robert LaFosse
The Waiting Room Plays were performed December 10th – 22nd of the year
Divisions of the Office: At a therapy session an old couple, Sarah and Tim, “run” into each other. They are both going through emotional confusion because of each other, but relieved to see each other at the therapy place, showing that they really loved one another. Sarah proposes an idea of having a joint therapy session, but surprisingly it turns into a quarrel between the therapists who show they have history between themselves of an old relationship they once had, which turns into an argument using metaphors.
Fall Colors: A working woman and her husband converse about the tough financial situation they are in, being that a company they invested in went bankrupt. They soon come to a resolution and think of ways to get out of their financial situation.
Thin Ice: A woman, Nicole, is feeling neglected by her husband who is never home and always working. A man, David, makes her comfortable and she feels as though he’s the one for her instead of her husband. They converse in David’s car while watching Nicole’s daughter. As the conversation goes on Nicole confesses her love for David but is surprised to find out that the reason why Nicole is not getting as much attention is because her husband and David have been “messing around”.
Metamorphosis: Two woman, Nicole and Alexis, are in a Plastic Surgery waiting room for an appointment. As Nicole keeps talking about her body getting done, Alexis gets annoyed and talks about the traumatic reason she’s getting her body done.
Adagietto: A woman, Daniela, passes out in the train station as she hears a “powerful” music. When she wakes up a few people are surrounding her in the train station trying to help her recover. Most of the people around her heard the music but they say it sounded like it was playing in their head.
Gone: Two woman, a mother and a daughter are at an orphanage for elephant. Jae Hwa, the daughter of Beatrice is insisting her mother to come with her to California but she doesn’t want to go because of the elephants she wants to take care of.
Waiting to Land: Two men, Brandon, a surfer who works at a tile store and Steve, a CFO of a profitable software company have a friendly conversation of each other’s lives as they are on a flight to Chicago.
Flight into Health: A woman and a man are in a room waiting for the psychiatric doctor. The man asks her for the time and after that she starts to have an attitude with him. They start arguing and as soon as things are about to get intense the man threatens to commit suicide so the woman gets in front of him to stop him and then they struggle and after start kissing. They end up leaving together to spend the day with each other.
Off to the Races…Manhattan Style: Two wealthy couples, Warren and Laura, and, Manuel and Maria, are at a place to test their children to see if they would be eligible for schools of gifted and talented students. As the couples speak they converse about their children and how their process is going resulting in disappointment for one of the couples.
Dr. Donner: A gay couple, Fred and Jon, are in a doctor’s office waiting room sitting across from a lady, Julie, who is holding a cat carrier. They converse about the problem that Julie is going through and why she has a cat. As the lady has to use the bathroom, Jon and Fred, discuss why they’re as the lady leaves the cat with them since she supposedly had to use the bathroom. Neither the lady or doctor come back to the room for a while so the couple ends up leaving with the cat.
Questioning: A woman, Susan, is in a waiting area of a police station speaking about a murder that happened to a doctor.
The Other Side of the World: A young man, Warren, got drafted by the army to fight in the Vietnam War. His mother and sister converse with him minutes before he has to take the bus to leave.
Gift Giver: Two men, Mark and Carlos, are in a room waiting for a doctor to see if Carlos results are for having HIV. Mark and Carlos are conversing until the doctor comes out with the results, relieving from his worries as his results were negative. The doctor then converses with the two and then after, asks Mark a question, resulting in a surprising response.
Waiting for Anthony: Two woman, Barbara and Mary, are waiting in a room for their husbands, who suffered from heart attacks. As they wait in sorrow they converse, and soon find out that both of them are married to the same guy. This shocks them and brings them to argument but after allowed them to come to peace as they converse a bit more about the situation.
Edward: Myra and Grace, two sisters, are at the vet trying to take care of Myra’s dog. Unfortunately, that dog is costing both of them a boatload of money, which is affecting them in drastic ways with there house and other bills. Grace threatens Myra to get the dog out of the house or she’s leaving, as put in the same words Myra’s ex-husband said.
Scratching the Surface: A couple, Juliet and Ralph, are in a waiting room at the doctors, so Juliet could get her lips done. They get their much earlier than the time they were supposed to so they converse for the time being. A few moments later, the doctors assistant, Loretta, comes to ask Juliet questions and hand her paperwork before she goes to the doctor. A surprising response that Ralph was unaware of was that she wanted to get her breasts done and wanted to keep it a surprise for Juliet. After, Juliet didn’t want to answer the questions so then she left to get coffee from the machine outside the office. As she left, Ralph and Loretta converse as Loretta throws hints to be with her instead of Juliet.
White Noise: A man, Joe, and a woman, Melanie, are in the waiting room of a therapist’s office. Melanie is waiting for her boyfriend to get out as the two converse. At the end of the conversation they schedule a meeting business-wise to be potential business partners.
Brother and Brother: A man named Didier Diderot is yelling at a statue of his brother explaining why he dislikes him.
Comrades: A man is conversing angrily with the woman he’s with about critics saying harsh things about his play. He allows there responses about his play to get in his head but then soon ignores it as he continues to converse with his wife about the situation.
The Executive: Three people, Ronald, Malcolm and Sandy, with three different types of looks are auditioning for a big role in a movie. They each as they’re waiting for their names to be called converse with each other. After Sandy is overrun with joy it turns out that there are three roles for which they thought they were competing for one.
Open House: Two brokers, David, an artist who is working in real estate to get money, and Jack, a VP at a real estate firm, are trying to get an offer for an apartment or house. Jack wants David to make a sale so he leaves the talking up to him when the client arrives.
Beazil: Two men, Robbie and Jim, were in a waiting room of a gynecologist’s office. They were conversing about Robbie’s “idiot” cousin, Beazil, who was dropped on his head as a baby but was still the most helpful person in Robbie’s family.
Packing Heat: A hispanic woman, Maria, and a white woman, Carol, was in a waiting room at a hospital waiting for the news of there grandson and son, who both got shot. They converse about the situation and it turns out that both of the young men were shot in the same store.
Central B.S.: Two guys were in a jail cell because they cursed at a cop as they were smoking a blunt. They were conversing and arguing as they were waiting to be released. It soon turned into fighting and yelling which got them separated from the same cell.
Now Boarding: Two middle eastern men, Yussef and Mohammed, were getting ready to board a plane and make a bad decision that would kill many people. Yussef was very scared and nervous so he kept on questioning Mohammed’s actions. As the plane was about to leave they made a final decision to board the plane and commit an evil crime, which seemed righteous in their eyes because they felt they had to prove a point.