The Museum Plays

Playwright: Joe Sutton, Daniel Reitz, Julie McKee, Ari Roth, Catherine Filloux, Dmitry Lipkin, Neena Beber, Tug Yourgrau, Qunicy Long, Peter Sagal and Alexandra Gersten

Directors: Jean Wagner, Constance Grappo, Julie Boyd, Shira Piven, Eva Saks, Tim Cunningham, Allison Eve Zell, Stephanie Scott, Chris McCann, Alex Roe and Amy Wright

The Museum Plays | HB Studio

Cast: Sam Tsoutsouvas, Janet Zarish, Joan Matthiessen, Patrcia O’Grady, Martin Gobbee, Frederica Meister, John Fitzgibbon, Amy Wright, Michi Barrell, David Jung, Andrew Pang, Katherine Leask, Michael Ornstein, Sarah Trelease, Ed Vassallo, Liam Craig, Anna Grace, Ean Sheehy, Heather Carduff, Frank Girardeau, Michael Etheridge, Simon Fortin, Larry Nathanson, Fred Rivers, Janelle Schremmer, Troy Schremmer, Maureen Van Zandt, Marylouise Burke, Jayne Haynes, Michael Moran, Larry Pine, Mark Devine, John FitzGibbon, Edith Meeks, George Bartenieff and Richard Mawe

Set: Andy Warfel Lighting: Chris Dallos Sound: Robert Auld Costumes: Amela Baksic Production Stage Manager: Kimberly I. Kefgen Producer: India Cooper

The Museum Plays were performed June 9th – 28th of the year 1998.


Sensations: At a museum in London Amy, an observer, and Simon, a painter, talk about the meaning of the art as they flirt with each other.

Photographs from S-21:  Two paintings on a wall of a museum talk about each other, and what they see through a very strange perspective.

Two Jewish Men In Their 70s: Two men in their 70s conversing about how old people are treated, as they are sitting on a bench.

Pithecus: A couple, Jane and Frank, walk around the Museum of Natural History observing the prehistoric human section of it. As they observe, they converse about how the displays are drawn if the occurrence of these nomads was so long ago.

The Sixth Floor Museum: Two men, Dub and Lou, are walking around a museum talking about John F. Kennedy’s death and who killed him. After, two women, Belle and Patty, walk in the museum and start conversing with the two men.

Jill On A Recliner Reading: A woman at a restaurant in Madrid examines and talks about a painting that’s displayed for her by a Spanish painter she knew.

Divulgence At Damrak 18: At the Amsterdam sex museum, two women are in their seventies reflecting on their previous experiences with love.

Love and Yearning in the Not for Profits & Other Marital Distractions: Cordelia is speaking with her friend Claire on the phone, telling her how she got an offer from a wealthy businessman. She’s interested in the man, but she’s married and wants to take a risk as she thinks of what she’s doing as a game.

The Taliban: At a gallery for Afghanistan, a woman observes the art pieces with two men, Goldman and Rigby, as they converse about the Taliban and Afghanistan society.

Art For arts sake: When a woman brings her reluctant boyfriend to a museum, he opens up about his insecurities involving his own career.

TH FT: Two young men attempt to steal a painting in a gallery, yet only to be surprised by friends as they get caught.