WORKING CLASS was adapted from a one man solo show by Acting Out Director, Richard Hoehler. Eight members of the Acting Out Company now take on the show and create a wide palette of characters that is truly representative of today’s workforce.
Featuring: Shi Greene, Charlie Grosso, Ron Horton, Jason Morales, Luis Moran, Louis D. Rodriguez, Gilfredo Valentin, and Damien Walker.
December 10 & 11, 2021 at 8:00pm. December 12, 2021 at 3:00pm
Held online over Zoom
THE COST OF TRUTH: A 2021 Reimagining of Henrik Ibsen’s AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE
Artists of Pablo Andrade’s Performance Lab present reimagined scenes and moments from Henrik Ibsen’s AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE that explore truth and its consequence.
Featuring: Demetrius Blocker, Kenneth Core, Richie Dang, Akihiro Hattori, Marika Kuzma, Dan Owen, Zeynep Ozden, Dorota Ptaszek, Fernando Rockenbach, Dr. Richard Tanenbaum, and Nicolás Torres. Directed by Pablo Andrade.
Thursday, June 3, 2021, 6:00pm
Held online over Zoom
Open Class: Acting Intensive with Vincent Pastore
HB Studio presents a live open viewing of the final session of the Acting Intensive with Vincent Pastore.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 5:30-8:30pm
Held online over Zoom
SUBVERTING CONVENTIONS/RECLAIMING STORY: Devised Performances Rethinking Art, Culture, and Identity
Students from Paul Pryce’s Performance Lab present their solo works to the public and receive critical feedback. Featuring Maria Jung, Bryant To, Charly Wenzel and Meytar Zehavi.
Thursday & Friday, May 13 & 14, 2021, 6:00pm
Held online over Zoom.
SUBVERTING CONVENTIONS/RECLAIMING STORY: Devised Performances Rethinking Art, Culture, and Identity
Students from Paul Pryce’s Performance Lab present their solo works to the public and receive critical feedback. Featuring Maria Jung, Bryant To, Charly Wenzel and Meytar Zehavi.
Thursday & Friday, May 13 & 14, 2021, 6:00pm
Held online over Zoom