Body Intelligence (Brenna Palughi)
Presented by Brenna Palughi –
To be held in person (please review in-person requirements):
Body Intelligence focuses on developing the physical and emotional intelligence of the actor.
Class utilizes Allan Wayne Work exercises to build physical and mental stamina. These repetitive, circular exercises condition the muscles and break up fascial adhesions while unveiling emotional availability, eroding habitual tension and preventing injury.
There are guided creative movement explorations, ensemble, partner and solo work that allow the actor to fully experience moving from their body’s impulses as opposed to being ‘in their head’ to make choices. The focus on embodiment work leads the actor to greater emotional access and safety.
Class references concepts from Alexander Technique, Fitzmaurice vocal technique, integral anatomy, Lucid Body, meditation and modern dance.
Sign up for either Part A or Part B independently (5 weeks each), or join both for the full 10-week term. You may join Part B without taking Part A.