Spring Weekly Classes are underway. Register Today!

Spring Term runs March 19 – June 3 (no classes April 24-29, May 28).


UNION DISCOUNT:* Industry union members receive 10% OFF Spring Term ClassesTo qualify, present your membership card in the registration office or email a copy to registration@hbstudio.org. To receive discount, register in person or on the phone (212-675-2370 x.1)

INTAKE AUDITION / CONSULTATIONS: Interested in our upper level classes? Audition & consult with a panel of HB’s faculty. For details and sign up info, visit Auditions & Prerequisites.

REEL SUBMISSIONS: Are you a working professional seeking a place to practice? Submit your reel for placement into our studio practice classes.

*Discounts valid for Studio Classes only; not valid for workshop offerings, full-time programs or merchandise. Discounts cannot be combined nor applied retroactively.